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Get PhilaVax Alerts for Rejected Orders Here's a quick guide on how to turn on notifications in PhilaVax to alert you when 1) orders are rejected or 2) comments needing action are left on submitted orders. Step 1: Navigate to the top right corner of your PhilaVax...

2023-2024 COVID-19 Products Deauthorized for Use Effective immediately, all 2023-2024 COVID-19 products are no longer approved for use. Stop administering all 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccines. Remove all 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccines from storage units immediately, even if they are not expired. Discard any open vials of vaccine. Return any unopened vials or...

Immunization Champion Award Winner: Patricia Hewson The Immunization Champion Award, hosted by the Association of Immunization Managers (AIM) and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recognizes individuals doing an exemplary job or going above and beyond to promote or foster immunizations in...

Flu Vaccine is Available to Order for VFC Flulaval pre-filled syringes and Fluzone multi-dose vials (MDV) are now available to order for your VFC-eligible patients. Visit our website for instructions on how to place your first order: Visit the website Have questions? Email the Ordering team at DPHProviderHelp@phila.gov. ...

October 29: 2024 PIC Conference Save the date! Join us for the Philadelphia Immunization Coalition’s Fall 2024 Conference. Our speakers will include Dr. Andrew Kroger (CDC) and Dr. Paul Offit (CHOP), among others to be announced. Topics covered will include COVID-19, RSV, flu, universal recommendations forcommunity outreach, vaccine...

Join Us for a COVID-19 Product Update Join the PDPH Immunization Program and our pharmaceutical partners for a virtual townhall regarding the 2024 - 2025 COVID-19 product update. This informative session is for both pediatric and adult primary care providers (PCPs) who would like to learn...

2024 -2025 VFC & VFAAR Flu Products 2024-2025 VFC & VFAAR products will be available to order soon. Make sure your office is ready!  Flulaval will be available to order for your VFC-eligible patients starting Tuesday, August 20, 2024.  Start the conversation about the importance of flu vaccination...

Lunch & Learn: Respiratory Viruses Join us for an informative virtual session on respiratory viruses. This session is for both pediatric and adult primary care physicians (PCPs) who would like to learn more about respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza (flu), COVID-19, and what to know and expect...

Vaccine Product Available Through VFC: Jynneos Jynneos (Bavarian Nordic) vaccine is now available through the VFC program. It has been approved and recommended by the CDC and ACIP to prevent mpox (formerly monkeypox). VFC-eligible patients, 18 years of age only, can be vaccinated with these doses. Patients...

Remind Families About Back to School Vaccines Prepare your pediatric patients to return to school by getting them caught up with their vaccines. Access reminder recall guidance, free print materials, and more information about vaccination coverage rates below.   According to CDC, vaccination coverage among kindergarten students...