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Register a clinic

Fill out both forms, then either email or fax them to us at the contact above.

Clinic registration form
Enity confidentiality form

On behalf of patients

Request or update record
Patient update request

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PhilaVax program info
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Wastage & Returns

You must report any wastage or returns necessary for your vaccine supply in PhilaVax before you open your reconciliation and before ordering any new vaccine.

When to waste & when to return

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Waste vaccine if:

  • Vial or syringe is broken.
  • It has been drawn into a syringe but not administered for any reason.
  • Expiration or beyond-use-date has passed on an open multi-dose vial before all doses were administered.
    (Excluding mpox vaccine)
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Return vaccine if:

Vaccine that has expired, spoiled, or been wasted must be reported through PhilaVax immediately. Orders for additional vaccine may be delayed if this is not completed.

Follow the guides below to complete a wastage or return report.

Wasting vaccines

Video step by step instructions:

Returning vaccine

Our team will review your submitted return. Once approved, you’ll receive 2 emails:

  • First email will contain the packing slip.
  • Print it and place the slip inside of the box with the vaccines.
  • Second email will contain the pre-paid shipping label from UPS. You should receive it within 30 minutes of the first email.
  • Print out the shipping label and tape it to the top of the outside of the box.
  • Drop it off at any UPS drop box/location or give it to your UPS delivery courier.

If you do not receive one or both of these emails, notify our ordering team at dphproviderhelp@phila.gov for assistance.

Video step by step instructions: