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Program Updates

Complete the survey! The Philadelphia Immunization Program thanks you for participating in the COVID-19 Bridge Access Program. You played a crucial role in ensuring underinsured and uninsured adults in Philadelphia could access COVID-19 vaccines. Now that the Bridge Access Program has ended, we're asking providers who were enrolled to complete a Provider Satisfaction Survey. Thank you...

Action Required: PhilaVax User Account Renewal Dear PhilaVax Users,The Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) Immunization Program is currently undergoing our annual PhilaVax user account renewal.All users must complete the user agreement for the 2025 calendar year for continued access to PhilaVax. All agreements must be...

Holiday Season Delivery Delays The vaccine distribution center will have reduced delivery capacity during the holiday season. Orders submitted during this time will take longer than usual to ship. December Place your order by Friday, December 6, 2024, at 12 p.m. Orders placed after this date may not...

Holiday Season Delivery Delays The vaccine distribution center will have reduced delivery capacity during the holiday season. Orders submitted during this time will take longer than usual to ship. November  Place your order by Friday, November 15, 2024, at 12 p.m. Orders placed after this date may not...

RSV Ordering Update Beginning Monday, October 28, 2024, all RSV orders will require current temperature files and a current reconciliation due on the day the order is placed. Routine Immunizations, RSV, and COVID-19 vaccine orders: Current temperature data and reconciliation due the same day as the...

Beyfortus Open Ordering Now Available VFC providers are now welcome to order Beyfortus as needed. The CDC has released a limited amount in each wave, so we encourage sites to order early. Orders may be adjusted to ensure equity among patient populations. Dosages: RSV comes in two dosages: 50...

2024 – 2025 COVID-19 Vaccines Available to Order As a reminder, the federally funded Bridge Access Program (BAP) ended on August 12, 2024. Last season’s 2023- 2024 COVID-19 vaccines are now unauthorized and should not be administered.  If you have not done so already, remove all 2023 –...

New Flu and COVID-19 Products Available VFC providers can now order: 2024-2025 Novavax COVID-19 products for 12 years and older Flucelvax (Sequirus) FluMist (AstraZeneca) Make sure that your EHR/EMR is set up to report this year’s COVID-19 products.  These are the vaccines available: When placing COVID-19 orders, please remember: Complete a current COVID-19 reconciliation. Submit your...

Bridge Access Program Update Thank you for your continued efforts in ensuring that Philadelphia community members have access to the COVID-19 vaccine. We regret to inform you that the federally funded Bridge Access Program (BAP) has ended before the original closure date of December 31st, 2024....

Get PhilaVax Alerts for Rejected Orders Here's a quick guide on how to turn on notifications in PhilaVax to alert you when 1) orders are rejected or 2) comments needing action are left on submitted orders. Step 1: Navigate to the top right corner of your PhilaVax...