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Clinical Updates

Protect Children Against Travel-Associated Infections  This blog post was written alongside Dr. Mayssa Abuali, who has served the Philadelphia pediatric community for the past 10 years.  There are several measles outbreaks internationally and 58 measles cases have been reported across 17 jurisdictions the United States in 2024. 93% of...

New Immigrant and Refugee Pediatric Vaccination This blog post was written alongside Dr. Mayssa Abuali, who has served the Philadelphia pediatric community for the past 10 years. At the first domestic health visit with new immigrant or refugee pediatric patients, clinicians should review all available vaccine records,...

New Meningococcal Vaccine for Pediatric Patients  This blog post is part of a series highlighting essential changes in the 2024 ACIP immunization schedules. This series is written alongside Immunization Program Medical Specialist, Dr. Mayssa Abuali. Dr. Abuali is board-certified in general pediatrics, pediatric infectious diseases, and pediatric hospital...

Pneumococcal Vaccination for Asthmatic Pediatric Patients  This blog post is part of a series highlighting important changes in the 2024 ACIP immunization schedules. This series is written alongside newly onboarded Immunization Program Medical Specialist, Dr. Mayssa Abuali. Dr. Abuali is board certified in general pediatrics, pediatric infectious...

Developments in RSV Biologics Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA virus. It is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. In most regions of the United States, RSV season starts in the fall and peaks in the winter.   Although most...

Protecting Infants from Vaccine Preventable Diseases National Infant Immunizations Week is April 24 to April 30 this year, serving as a reminder to protect infants in Philadelphia from vaccine preventable diseases.   Over the years, immunization providers in the United States have reached major milestones in protecting...

Increasing HPV Vaccine Uptake for All Ages  Increasing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates can be tricky, particularly due to the stigma associated with sexual behavior among adolescents. International HPV awareness day was March 4, and served as a reminder to continue local HPV vaccine promotion efforts....

What’s New With Pediatric Vaccines? This month, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices published updated immunization schedules for 2023. COVID-19 vaccine has been added to the routine pediatric immunization schedule for ages 6 months and up, among other important additions. There have been several recent changes...

Notes From the Immunization Program: Current Recommendations for Hepatitis B Vaccination The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has modified its recommendations for hepatitis B (HBV) vaccination. The ACIP now recommends that all adults aged 19-59 years and adults aged 60 and older with risk factors receive...

For the 2018-19 flu season, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has added the intranasal live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) back to the list of recommended flu vaccines for children and adults.  The ACIP recommended against LAIV for the past few seasons because of poor effectiveness. ...