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Protect Your Patients from Influenza Order flu vaccine for the 2024-2025 season National Influenza Vaccination Week  Vaccination is the most effective tool available to prevent severe respiratory illness and hospitalization. Nationally, there were 28,000 flu-related death in the 2023-2024 season and 205 pediatric flu-related deaths were reported for the 2023-2024...

Protect Your Patients from Influenza We expect a high number of influenza cases this winter. Vaccination is the most effective tool available to prevent severe respiratory illness and hospitalization. Nationally, there were 200 pediatric flu-related death in the 2023-2024 season, and one pediatric death resulting from...

New Flu and COVID-19 Products Available VFC providers can now order: 2024-2025 Novavax COVID-19 products for 12 years and older Flucelvax (Sequirus) FluMist (AstraZeneca) Make sure that your EHR/EMR is set up to report this year’s COVID-19 products.  These are the vaccines available: When placing COVID-19 orders, please remember: Complete a current COVID-19 reconciliation. Submit your...

VFAAR Flu Ordering Opens Tomorrow VFAAR providers can order flu vaccine for the 2024-2025 season starting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 11. Make sure your site is ready! All flu vaccine from the 2023-2024 season must be wasted or returned before you can order flu vaccine for the 2024-2025...

Flu Vaccine is Available to Order for VFC Flulaval pre-filled syringes and Fluzone multi-dose vials (MDV) are now available to order for your VFC-eligible patients. Visit our website for instructions on how to place your first order: Visit the website Have questions? Email the Ordering team at DPHProviderHelp@phila.gov. ...

2024 -2025 VFC & VFAAR Flu Products 2024-2025 VFC & VFAAR products will be available to order soon. Make sure your office is ready!  Flulaval will be available to order for your VFC-eligible patients starting Tuesday, August 20, 2024.  Start the conversation about the importance of flu vaccination...

Return Expired Doses of Flu Today!  All VFC/VFAAR influenza vaccines supplied by the Philadelphia Immunization Program during the 2023-2024 flu season have expired. Please account for unused VFC/VFAAR flu vaccine at your site using PhilaVax: Process a return for the unopened vials online in the Vaccine Returns...

2024 Influenza Ordering Survey While flu remains prevalent across the country, the 2023-2024 flu season has seen a drop in coverage, and Philadelphia is no exception.    Fill out this short survey (less than 3 minutes) to help us better prepare for next flu season. Every site...

Protect Your Patients from Flu, COVID-19, and RSV  There are currently high rates of respiratory illness nationwide, including flu, COVID-19, and RSV. Continue to recommend immunization to prevent severe illness and hospitalization. Below, review eligibility recommendations from the CDC and stay updated on flu products available...

VFC & VFAAR Flu Ordering Will Open 8/28/23 VFC & VFAAR providers can order flu for the 2023-24 season starting Monday, 8/28/23. Make sure your site is ready! Account for any unused 2022-23 VFC/VFAAR flu vaccine still at your site using PhilaVax: Process a return for the unopened...