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Vaccine Product Available Through VFC: Jynneos

Vaccine Product Available Through VFC: Jynneos

Vaccine Product Available Through VFC: Jynneos

Jynneos (Bavarian Nordic) vaccine is now available through the VFC program. It has been approved and recommended by the CDC and ACIP to prevent mpox (formerly monkeypox).

VFC-eligible patients, 18 years of age only, can be vaccinated with these doses. Patients younger than 18 are not eligible for vaccination with the mpox vaccine provided through the VFC program. Any eligible patient who feels at risk of coming into contact with mpox can be vaccinated. They do not need to meet any further eligibility criteria.

Jynneos is supplied in a 10-pack box of 1 dose vials.
NCD: 50632-0001-03
CVX: 206
CPT: 90611

To add Jynneos to the list of vaccines that your site orders, use the button below to complete a change request form.

To access doses for patients not eligible for vaccine through the VFC program, reach out to our mpox coordinator, Marguerite Horton, at marguerite.horton@phila.gov.  
