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PhilaVax Temperature Reporting Requirement Update

PhilaVax Temperature Reporting Requirement Update

PhilaVax Temperature Reporting Requirement Update

Important: VFC & VFAAR orders submitted to PhilaVax without temperature data will be rejected. *

We will no longer contact VFC & VFAAR sites to request missing temperature data after the order date. VFC & VFAAR orders will be rejected, and the provider will need to resubmit their order. Remember, a new reconciliation must be completed after two business days to process the order. 

Uploading temperature data to PhilaVax and emailing the data to TempCheck@phila.gov have been requirements for several years. The data you submit to the TempCheck team is analyzed for excursions and potential unit malfunctions, helping us maintain our quality control standards. The data submitted to PhilaVax facilitates timely ordering for our 200+ providers throughout the city.  

These guide
s can assist you in submitting your DDL temperature files:

Key Takeaways:

  • Temperature data must be submitted to PhilaVax and emailed to TempCheck@phila.gov every 28 days and when an order is placed.
  • Submit temperature data up to and including the day of vaccine order.
  • For example, if you submit temperature data on Monday and place your order on Tuesday, you must submit temperatures again on Tuesday, or your order will be rejected.
  • After placing an order, it’s important to check its status within two business days. If the order is rejected, carefully review the VFC comments for instructions on resubmitting it. Remember, a new reconciliation must be completed after two business days to process the order.

For questions and assistance with ordering, reach out to DPHProviderHelp@phila.gov

*If you are unable to upload to PhilaVax for any reason or feel your site should be exempt from this requirement, please contact TempCheck@phila.gov.