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New Beyond Use Date (BUD) Labels to Order

New Beyond Use Date (BUD) Labels to Order

New Beyond Use Date (BUD) labels are available for order. BUD labels can support your practice in ensuring vaccine is not used past expiration. These labels replace previous BUD labels intended for use with COVID-19 vaccine, and can be used for any adult or pediatric vaccine. Below is a preview:

These BUD labels are available to order for free below. Also, view and print the instruction sheet below for support in correctly using these new labels. If you have any questions, contact

Vaccine Product Available Through VFC: Abrysvo

Vaccine Product Available Through VFC: Abrysvo

Abrysvo is a maternal RSV vaccine available through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. 

RSV is surging and the pediatric infant immunization Beyfortus supply is severely limited. Abrysvo will play an important role in protecting infants against severe RSV disease this season. Most infants born to mothers who have received Abrysvo will not need to receive Beyfortus. 

Please note that the availability of Abrysvo for VFC providers is limited. Only sites that care for pregnant people under 19 can order, and orders will be limited to 5 doses per site at a time.


Abrysvo is a Pfizer product now available through the Vaccines Children (VFC) program.

  • CVX code: 305
  • CPT code: 90678
  • NDC number: 00069-0344-01

V-safe, one of several systems CDC uses to closely monitor the safety of vaccines, will be used as a health check for pregnant people who receive a maternal RSV vaccine.

For more information, review the package insert.

Additional resources:

FDA page

If you have any questions, please email

New Refrigerated Pfizer 12+ COVID-19 Vaccine

New Refrigerated Pfizer 12+ COVID-19 Vaccine

A new presentation of Comirnity (Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 12+ year olds) (NDC 00069-2377-10) is now available to order. 

The new presentation:

  • is a carton of 10 prefilled syringes.
  • is a refrigerated formulation that must be stored between 2°C and 8°C (36°F and 46°F). Do not store at ultra-cold or standard freezer temperatures.
  • can be used through the expiration date printed on the carton and syringe labels.

The old presentation of Comirnity (Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 12+ year olds) (NDC 00069-2362-10) is no longer available to order through the VFC and Bridge programs.

Before ordering or administering the new product, ensure that Comirnity (Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 12+ year olds) (NDC 00069-2377-10) has been added to your electronic medical record (EMR) so that administered doses are reported to the PhilaVax IIS.

See below for a picture of the new vaccine presentation.  The carton includes a bright pink stripe with the words “DO NOT FREEZE.”

Continue to use any doses of the old Pfizer 12+ vaccine (NDC 00069-2362-10) on hand until it is consumed, expired, or has been stored at 2°C to 8°C for longer than the allowable 10 weeks.  

Your site may have both presentations on hand for a period of time. If this occurs, please ensure that doses are clearly labeled and stored appropriately to prevent potential errors.

Vaccine Storage Update and Reminders

Vaccine Storage Update and Reminders

LogTag Update!

LogTag Version 2 will soon be replaced with LogTag Version 3. We will ask all providers to switch to Version 3 in January 2024. Look out for the link to the new software and guidance for updating your system.


Start the new year right by checking your storage and handling procedures! Use the checklist below to make sure your team is properly managing vaccines.

Does your team…

  • Send in temperature data every 28 days and immediately if the DDL alarms?
  • Send in your temperature data on the same day the order is placed for every order?
  • Always both email your temperature data and upload to PhilaVax (for sites with PDPH’s DDLs)?
  • Update your paper temperature logs twice a day?
    • In the morning with the current temperature, minimum temperature, and maximum temperature
    • End of day with the current temperature
  • Make sure you are using the most updated Paper Temperature Logs? 
  • Have a current Vaccine Management Plan attached to your fridge or freezer that has been updated within the last 12 months? 
  • Have a plan in place and all necessary materials to move vaccine in an emergency (see the Vaccine Management Plan)?
  • Replace the DDL’s batteries when low?
    • Please check your DDL for a low battery signal (see image below) and reach out to if a battery is needed!  

Please check out our website and reach out at with any questions.

Thank you for being a trusted vaccine provider! 

Mpox Vaccine: Holiday Delivery Pause 

Mpox Vaccine: Holiday Delivery Pause

Mpox vaccine deliveries will be paused for the holiday from December 25 to 29.

Please remember to submit an order request by Monday, December 18 at 5 pm for your order to be approved the week of December 18. The last mpox delivery will be on Tuesday, December 19.

Remember to submit your temperatures to and complete a reconciliation of vaccine on hand for your order to be approved.

Click the button below to submit your order for mpox vaccine.

Deliveries for mpox vaccine will resume the week of January 2, 2024! If you have any questions, please contact Marguerite Horton at

Administration Errors: RSV for Infants

Administration Errors: RSV for Infants

On November 30, CDC alerted immunization programs that they have received reports of infants being mistakenly administered RSV vaccines intended for adults. Infants should only receive the RSV preventive antibody, nirsevimab (Beyfortus, Sanofi).

RSV vaccines (Arexvy by GSK and Abrysvo by Pfizer) are recommended only for adults and have not been evaluated for safety or effectiveness in infants or children. Practices that carry both adult RSV vaccine and pediatric RSV preventive antibody products should review their immunization administration safety procedures to ensure only the correct product is administered to recipients. This is an opportunity to re-educate and re-train staff on RSV immunization formulations and practices.

In the event that a vaccine administration involving RSV vaccine occurs, CDC encourages vaccinators to promptly report errors to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Also, inform parents of error so that these infants can receive the correct product and be monitored for adverse reactions. 

CDC Clinical Guidance (updated December 7, 2023)

Because there are no data on the efficacy/effectiveness of RSV vaccines in preventing RSV disease in this age group, the infant should receive nirsevimab if otherwise eligible based on maternal RSV vaccination status. There is no specific recommendation for a minimum interval between administration of incorrect RSV vaccine and nirsevimab. Some experts suggest:

• That it could be reasonable to consider waiting 48 to 72 hours before proceeding with nirsevimab administration. This time frame is when we would expect side effects to the RSV vaccine, such as fussiness, would be most likely.

• Consideration should be given to administering nirsevimab in the limb opposite to where the RSV vaccine was administered to avoid potential interaction or binding of RSV antibody and vaccine, thereby reducing the effectiveness of nirsevimab.

If further clinical guidance is needed, connect with our medical experts at or CDC experts at

Holiday Season Storage and Handling Reminder

Holiday Season Storage and Handling Reminder

Ensure your vaccines stay properly monitored over the holiday season!

The Digital Data Loggers (DDLs) provided by PDPH have limited storage space and stop recording temperatures when full. If you are using one of these DDLs, please download your DDL files before the holidays if your office will close or you have limited availability. This may mean downloading your DDLs earlier than usual to ensure they continue recording temperature readings for your storage units into the new year. 

If your office will be closed for an extended time, you can reach out to our team to discuss temporarily storing your vaccine at our office for safekeeping. 

As a reminder, when sending in your data, please always: 

1) Email both your LTD (yellow and blue) and CSV (green) files to

2) Upload your CSV files into the Clinic Tools module in PhilaVax 

If you need assistance or have additional questions, please get in touch with our Storage and Handling team at

Quality Improvement Opportunity for VFC Providers

Quality Improvement Opportunity for VFC Providers

The Immunization Quality Improvement for Providers (IQIP) Program is a CDC initiative to help providers implement strategies that support their immunization activities.

VFC-enrolled practices are chosen by the CDC for IQIP enrollment each year. However, starting this project year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024), VFC-enrolled practices may self-enroll in IQIP.

Practices that do not have pediatric patients capitated to them (e.g., shelter sites, sexual health clinics, and birthing hospitals) are not eligible to participate.

Why self-enroll in IQIP?

IQIP helps practices meet their goals of efficient and effective vaccination processes to ensure timely and complete vaccine coverage for all children.

How can IQIP participation serve pediatric departments and physicians?

  • IQIP efforts can be converted to group quality improvement (QI) projects, which can be eligible to fulfill the American Board of Pediatrics maintenance of certification (MOC) Part 4 requirements
  • IQIP can help residency programs develop QI projects and educational opportunities
  • Through IQIP, departments can meet national immunization quality metrics

What does IQIP offer?

Provider Quality Assurance (PQA) nurses through the Philadelphia Department of Health (PDPH) Immunization Program, in partnership with the CDC, offer guidance, practical recommendations, and technical support to practices aiming to increase their vaccination coverage rates.

The focus of IQIP is based on four CDC core strategies:

1. Facilitate patient return for vaccination
2. Leverage Immunization Information Systems (IIS) functionality to improve immunization practice.
3. Give a strong vaccine recommendation
4. Strengthen vaccination communications

Get in touch!

To enroll your practice in IQIP, contact your VFC Program PQA nurse Beth Smith at, Dom Shannon at, or Jennifer Malins at

For more information on how IQIP can serve pediatric departments and physicians, please contact our newly onboarded Immunization Program Medical Specialist, Dr. Mayssa Abuali, at

Learn more about IQIP!

Vaccine Shipment Delays During the December Holiday

Vaccine Shipment Delays During the December Holiday

Submit orders by Friday, December 8!

During the holiday season – from mid-December to early January – the distribution center that ships vaccine provided through the Vaccines for Children (VFC), Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR), and Bridge Access programs will have reduced shipping capacity. Orders submitted during this time will take longer than usual to ship.

To make sure that you have the vaccines you need during this time, submit orders by 12:00 PM on Wednesday, December 8. These will be processed and shipped out as usual. Be sure to check the status of your order within 2 business days of submitting.

Continue to check for tracking information daily as FedEx and UPS shipping delays continue. Use this job aid to assist you with reviewing this information.

Orders submitted after Friday, December 8 may not be delivered until the week of January 2, at the earliest. The distribution center will return to normal operations on January 2.

For assistance with completing your reconciliation or submitting your order, email our team at

Deauthorized COVID-19 Products

Deauthorized COVID-19 Products

As a reminder, only the approved 2023 – 2024 COVID-19 products listed below may be administered at this time:

Authorized 2023 – 2024 Products
Formulation: Monovalent XBB.1.5

  • Pfizer 12+: NDC 00069-2362-10
  • Pfizer 5-11: NDC 59267-4331-02
  • Pfizer 6mo-4yrs: NDC 59267-4315-02
  • Moderna 12+: NDC 8077-0102-95
  • Moderna 6mo-11yrs: NDC 8077-0287-92
  • Novavax 12+: NDC 80631-0105-02

Previously authorized monovalent and bivalent COVID-19 products have been deauthorized since September 12, 2023 and should have been removed from your inventory. If any patients were vaccinated with deauthorized products after September 12, they should be re-vaccinated with one of the 2023 – 2024 products. 

Here is a visual of all deauthorized products for your reference. For general questions on COVID-19 vaccine, email

Additionally, if you are interested in providing COVID-19 vaccine to underinsured and uninsured adults and have not yet enrolled in the Bridge Access Program, please reach out to Bridge Coordinator, to begin enrollment.