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Moderna Shelf Life Extension FDA has approved a shelf-life extension for the following Moderna10 products, which have been extended by three months. Below, find a table with updated expiration dates for the specific lots impacted by the extension. For the most current information, please visit the Moderna...

Matchmaking Program Coming to an End The Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 Matchmaking Program would like to send a huge thank you for your time, commitment, and expertise you’ve given in partnering with vaccination clinics to provide vaccine. After careful consideration, we have determined to...

Monkeypox Provider Survey The Philadelphia Health Department is looking to identify provider offices and clinics that administer monkeypox JYNNEOS vaccine to non-patients and offer walk-in hours. If you are a monkeypox vaccine provider, please fill out the brief survey....

Health Department Publishes Request for Proposal for HIV Testing in Pharmacies PHILADELPHIA—The Health Department is making four to six grants of up to $75,000 available to increase the availability of low-barrier HIV testing and connection to care services in select priority zip codes in Philadelphia. The...

Temperature Reporting for Online Vaccine Ordering Temperature logs must be submitted on the same day as any order placed for federal vaccine (VFC, VFAAR, flu, COVID-19, or monkeypox)! Temperature logs are to be uploaded in PhilaVax and emailed to tempcheck@phila.gov. The logs must show that the unit is...

Become a Monkeypox Vaccine Provider  Does your pharmacy see patients who are at a higher risk of monkeypox infection? If so, please consider becoming a Jynneos vaccine provider and help stop the spread of monkeypox infection. The current patient eligibility guidelines are as follows: People who meet...

Monkeypox Vaccine Update: Expanded Eligibility Monkeypox vaccine eligibility requirements have recently been updated. The following people are eligible to be vaccinated against monkeypox in Philadelphia:• Gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, and other men who have sex with men, transgender, or non-binary persons IF they meet ONE of the following...

VFC and VFAAR Shipping Delays Our vaccine distribution center is currently working through an unanticipated backlog of flu and non-flu VFC and VFAAR orders.To ensure that your site has the vaccines you need during this time, please plan to order additional vaccine before you run out...

Immunization Techniques Training Wednesday, October 12, 2022, from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm **Please arrive 15 minutes early. Late arrivals will not be able to attend.** The Immunization Program is hosting a FREE Immunization Techniques training this Fall. Class participants are limited and will be...