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Bridge Program and COVID-19 Commercialization

2023-2024 Pfizer (5 yrs-11 yrs and 12+) COVID-19 Vaccines No Longer Available 

2023-2024 Pfizer (5 yrs-11 yrs and 12+) COVID-19 Vaccines No Longer Available 

As of Monday, June 10, 2024, the Pfizer 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine, 5 yrs – 11 yrs, and Comirnaty (Pfizer), 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine, 12 yrs + products are no longer available to order through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Bridge Access Programs.  

Continue to order and administer 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccines until they reach their beyond use date (BUD), expire, or new product becomes available. We’ve seen summer peaks in past years, so individuals aged 6 months and above who have not received a dose should continue to be vaccinated.  

See below for details on the availability of the different products. If your preferred product is no longer available, change to an alternate product and continue to offer and administer COVID-19 vaccine to patients.

Dosing Schedule: 2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine 

For more details, review the CDC’s Interim 2023-2024 COVID-19 Immunization Schedule for Persons 6 Months of Age and Older.

Available Products (updated 6/10/2024): 2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine

Upcoming Changes in COVID-19 Vaccine Product Availability

CDC anticipates upcoming changes in the availability of COVID-19 vaccine products.

Here’s what we know now about the upcoming changes in 2023-2024 COVID-19 product availability:

  • The latest expiration date for the Pfizer (6 mo – 4 yrs) product is 7/31/2024.
  • Moderna (6 mo – 11 yrs and 12+) product has expiration dates through late September.

Be sure to check expiration dates before administering any vaccine.  

Other Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccine Product Expiration

  • The expiration dates indicated above are the latest 2023-2024 expiry. Your office may have vaccine products that expire sooner.
  • The beyond use date (BUD) supersedes the manufacturer’s expiration date. 

We will send additional messages to remind you about these expiration dates as they occur, provide guidance for inventory management, and inform you of other product updates as we are notified.

If you have questions about COVID-19 vaccine availability, please reach out.

For VFC, email Victor Obeck at

For the Bridge Access Program, email Nyandra McFadden at

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Now Expired!

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Now Expired!

Read on for more upcoming changes in COVID-19 product availability.

As of Friday, May 31, 2024 all doses of Novavax COVID-19 vaccine have expired. 

  • Remove any remaining doses from your storage units at this time.
  • Use this guide to waste any opened vaccine. 
  • Use this guide to return unopened vaccine.

See below for details on the availability of different products. If your preferred product is no longer available, change to an alternate product and continue to offer and administer COVID-19 vaccine to patients. 

Dosing Schedule: 2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine

For more details, review the CDC’s Interim 2023-2024 COVID-19 Immunization Schedule for Persons 6 Months of Age and Older.

Available Products (updated 6/3/2024): 2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine

Upcoming Changes in COVID-19 Vaccine Product Availability

CDC anticipates upcoming changes in the availability of COVID-19 vaccine products.

Here’s what we know now about the upcoming changes in product availability:

  • The latest expiration dates of the 2023-24 COVID-19 season NovaVax and Pfizer products are:
    • Novavax: 5/31/2024
    • Pfizer (6 mo – 4 yrs):  7/31/2024
    • Pfizer (5 yrs – 11 yrs and 12+): 8/31/2024
  • Moderna (6 mo – 11 yrs and 12+) products have expiration dates through late September

Be sure to check expiration dates before administering any vaccine.  

Other Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccine Product Expiration

  • The expiration dates indicated above are the latest 2023-2024 expiry. Your office may have vaccine products that expire sooner.
  • The beyond use date (BUD) supersedes the manufacturer’s expiration date. 

We will send additional messages to remind you about these expiration dates as they occur, provide guidance for inventory management, and inform you of other product updates as we are notified. 

If you have questions about COVID-19 vaccine availability, please reach out.

For VFC, email Victor Obeck at

For the Bridge Access Program, email Nyandra McFadden at

2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine Update

2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Dosing Schedule & Available Products

Review the dosing schedule and available products for 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine below. We don’t yet know the exact timing of when 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccines will be available. However, FDA authorization or approval of 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccines is anticipated for Fall 2024. 

Dosing Schedule: 2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine

For more details, review the CDC’s Interim 2023-2024 COVID-19 Immunization Schedule for Persons 6 Months of Age and Older.

See the table below for details on the availability of the different products. If your preferred product is no longer available, change to an alternate product to continue offering and administering COVID-19 vaccine to patients. 

Available Products (updated 5/2/24): 2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine

Tips for COVID-19 Vaccine Ordering & Administration 

Continue to order and administer 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccines until they reach their beyond use date (BUD), expire, or new product becomes available. 

The remaining 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccines available for ordering are expected to expire between May and July. It is important to check expiration dates before administering any vaccine. 

We’ve seen summer peaks in COVID-19 cases in past years, so individuals aged 6 months and above who have not received a dose should continue to be vaccinated

If you have questions about COVID-19 vaccine availability, please reach out.

For VFC, email Victor Obeck at

For the Bridge Access Program, email Nyandra McFadden at

COVID-19 Vaccine Return Guidance

COVID-19 Vaccine Return Guidance

Unopened vaccines should be returned when:

  •  The manufacturer expiration date has passed.
  •  The vaccines are no longer viable due to out-of-range temperatures.
  •  The vaccine has passed its beyond-use-date (BUD).

When returning COVID-19 vaccines that have passed their beyond-use-date, remember to select Other as the return reason and include “Past BUD [insert the BUD date]” in the comments section. 

Process a return for expired or non-viable vaccines in PhilaVax. Use this guide to assist you in the return process.

Contact if you need assistance with completing a return.

Updated CDC Guidance for Community Settings

Updated CDC Guidance for Community Settings

Earlier this week, the CDC updated the respiratory virus guidance and suggested additional doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for those aged 65 and older. 

The recommendations in this guidance may help reduce spread of respiratory illness such as RSV, influenza, and others.

  • People in community settings with respiratory symptoms should stay home until symptoms improve and they are fever-free for 24 hours and take transmission-based precautions for five days after leaving home.
  • People aged 65 years and older currently make up the majority (70%) of those hospitalized with COVID-19. They are now eligible for an additional dose of vaccine, provided it has been at least four months since the last dose. 
  • Individuals of all ages should receive at least one dose of the updated COVID-19 vaccine this season. 

This recommendation provides specific guidance for non-healthcare congregate settings, such as confinement facilities and shelters. Isolation and exposure recommendations for healthcare settings, including acute, post-acute, and outpatient settings have not changed.    

For any questions, email

New Refrigerated Pfizer 12+ COVID-19 Vaccine

New Refrigerated Pfizer 12+ COVID-19 Vaccine

A new presentation of Comirnity (Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 12+ year olds) (NDC 00069-2377-10) is now available to order. 

The new presentation:

  • is a carton of 10 prefilled syringes.
  • is a refrigerated formulation that must be stored between 2°C and 8°C (36°F and 46°F). Do not store at ultra-cold or standard freezer temperatures.
  • can be used through the expiration date printed on the carton and syringe labels.

The old presentation of Comirnity (Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 12+ year olds) (NDC 00069-2362-10) is no longer available to order through the VFC and Bridge programs.

Before ordering or administering the new product, ensure that Comirnity (Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 12+ year olds) (NDC 00069-2377-10) has been added to your electronic medical record (EMR) so that administered doses are reported to the PhilaVax IIS.

See below for a picture of the new vaccine presentation.  The carton includes a bright pink stripe with the words “DO NOT FREEZE.”

Continue to use any doses of the old Pfizer 12+ vaccine (NDC 00069-2362-10) on hand until it is consumed, expired, or has been stored at 2°C to 8°C for longer than the allowable 10 weeks.  

Your site may have both presentations on hand for a period of time. If this occurs, please ensure that doses are clearly labeled and stored appropriately to prevent potential errors.

Vaccine Shipment Delays During the December Holiday

Vaccine Shipment Delays During the December Holiday

Submit orders by Friday, December 8!

During the holiday season – from mid-December to early January – the distribution center that ships vaccine provided through the Vaccines for Children (VFC), Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR), and Bridge Access programs will have reduced shipping capacity. Orders submitted during this time will take longer than usual to ship.

To make sure that you have the vaccines you need during this time, submit orders by 12:00 PM on Wednesday, December 8. These will be processed and shipped out as usual. Be sure to check the status of your order within 2 business days of submitting.

Continue to check for tracking information daily as FedEx and UPS shipping delays continue. Use this job aid to assist you with reviewing this information.

Orders submitted after Friday, December 8 may not be delivered until the week of January 2, at the earliest. The distribution center will return to normal operations on January 2.

For assistance with completing your reconciliation or submitting your order, email our team at

Deauthorized COVID-19 Products

Deauthorized COVID-19 Products

As a reminder, only the approved 2023 – 2024 COVID-19 products listed below may be administered at this time:

Authorized 2023 – 2024 Products
Formulation: Monovalent XBB.1.5

  • Pfizer 12+: NDC 00069-2362-10
  • Pfizer 5-11: NDC 59267-4331-02
  • Pfizer 6mo-4yrs: NDC 59267-4315-02
  • Moderna 12+: NDC 8077-0102-95
  • Moderna 6mo-11yrs: NDC 8077-0287-92
  • Novavax 12+: NDC 80631-0105-02

Previously authorized monovalent and bivalent COVID-19 products have been deauthorized since September 12, 2023 and should have been removed from your inventory. If any patients were vaccinated with deauthorized products after September 12, they should be re-vaccinated with one of the 2023 – 2024 products. 

Here is a visual of all deauthorized products for your reference. For general questions on COVID-19 vaccine, email

Additionally, if you are interested in providing COVID-19 vaccine to underinsured and uninsured adults and have not yet enrolled in the Bridge Access Program, please reach out to Bridge Coordinator, to begin enrollment.

Dosing of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (2023-2024 Formula)

Dosing of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (2023-2024 Formula)

FDA released important information to ensure correct administration of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (2023-2024 formula) for individuals 6 months through 11 years.  

The announcement states that providers who administer Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (2023-2024 formula) to individuals ages 6 months through 11 years should ensure that the correct volume of the vaccine (0.25 mL) is withdrawn from the vial and administered to the patient. 

Providers should discard the vial and excess volume after extracting a single 0.25mL dose. Excess volume should not be used to administer an additional dose. Additionally, never combine partial doses from multiple vials to make one dose for a patient.

FDA shared this information after learning some providers may not recognize that the single dose vial of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (2023-2024 formula) contains more than 0.25 mL of the vaccine and may be withdrawing the entire contents of the vial to administer. FDA has not identified any safety risks associated with administration of the higher dose in individuals 6 months through 11 years of age, and no serious adverse events related to this issue have been identified.  

For additional information, see the FDA announcement, updated Moderna fact sheet, and the vaccine administration resources listed at the end of this email.

If you have any questions, please email   

2023-2024 Novavax Now Available to Order

2023-2024 Novavax Now Available to Order

Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, adjuvanted (2023-2024 formula) is now available to order. 2023-2024Novavax is authorized for individuals 12 years and older. 

This product package contains two multi dose vials each containing five doses. The NDC for this product is NDC # 80631-0105-02. 

It can be ordered through PhilaVax following the same steps used to order all other 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine products.  Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Bridge Access Program (BAP) providers can order Novavax for eligible patients. 

As a reminder, your practice can now: 

1) Order COVID-19 vaccine through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program

2) Order COVID-19 vaccine for privately insured adults, and 

3) Enroll in the Bridge Access Program (BAP) to procure COVID-19 vaccine for uninsured or underinsured adults. BAP vaccines can only be used for uninsured and underinsured patients aged 18 and up. 

When possible, VFC providers should vaccinate eligible 18-year-olds with VFC vaccine before using BAP vaccine. 

This new blog post highlights important changes in this new period of COVID-19 vaccination, including:

  • The Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 program has formally ended.
  • Bivalent COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use.
  • The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) approved the use of updated (monovalent) COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Providers can order the updated COVID-19 vaccine for privately insured patients by directly contacting the manufacturers for each product (see below for more information). 
  • With the exception of certain specialty providers, all Vaccines for Children (VFC) providers are required to stock COVID-19 vaccine inventory for both privately/CHIP insured patients and VFC eligible patients.  
  • Philadelphia vaccine providers are encouraged to enroll in the Bridge Access Program to provide updated COVID-19 vaccines for uninsured or underinsured adults 18 years and older. 

If you have any questions about ordering COVID-19 vaccine, contact