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VFC & VFAAR Flu Ordering Will Open 8/29/22 VFC & VFAAR providers can order flu for the 2022-23 season starting Monday, 8/29/22. Make sure your site is ready! Account for any unused 2021-22 VFC/VFAAR flu vaccine still at your site using PhilaVax: Process a return for the...

Return Expired Doses of Flu Today! All VFC/VFAAR influenza vaccine supplied by the Philadelphia Immunization Program during the 2021-2022 flu season has expired. Please account for unused VFC/VFAAR flu vaccine at your site using PhilaVax: Process a return for the unopened vials online in the Vaccines Returns...

Storage Unit Reminder Vaccines can only be stored in certain acceptable storage units. Your vaccine storage unit is a key component in maintaining the vaccine cold chain at your practice. Your vaccine storage units must: Consistently maintain storage temperature. Have enough space to properly store vaccines throughout...

Additional VFAAR Flu Vaccine Presentations Available to Order These vaccines are now available to order for your adult patients: Flucelvax prefilled syringes Fluzone multidose vials FluLaval pre-filled syringes are currently not available to order.Please visit our flu ordering page for more information on the available vaccines.To learn who is...

2019-2020 Flu Paper Reporting Forms Download our 2019-2020 paper influenza flu reporting form here: Influenza Immunization Reporting Form...

Stay up-to-date on flu season developments. Check out FluView, the CDC's weekly report on the flu epidemic in the USA....