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Beyfortus Open Ordering Now Available VFC providers are now welcome to order Beyfortus as needed. The CDC has released a limited amount in each wave, so we encourage sites to order early. Orders may be adjusted to ensure equity among patient populations. Dosages: RSV comes in two dosages: 50...

Mpox Vaccine: Holiday Notice Mpox vaccine deliveries will be paused during the week of Indigenous Peoples' Day, October 14-18, 2024. Ordering will remain open this week until Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. The last delivery for mpox vaccine will be on Thursday, October 10,...

2024 – 2025 COVID-19 Vaccines Available to Order As a reminder, the federally funded Bridge Access Program (BAP) ended on August 12, 2024. Last season’s 2023- 2024 COVID-19 vaccines are now unauthorized and should not be administered.  If you have not done so already, remove all 2023 –...

New Flu and COVID-19 Products Available VFC providers can now order: 2024-2025 Novavax COVID-19 products for 12 years and older Flucelvax (Sequirus) FluMist (AstraZeneca) Make sure that your EHR/EMR is set up to report this year’s COVID-19 products.  These are the vaccines available: When placing COVID-19 orders, please remember: Complete a current COVID-19 reconciliation. Submit your...

Training Videos: School Required Immunizations Pennsylvania law requires all students (K-12) to be vaccinated while attending school. Students who do not have the required vaccines may be excluded from school until they receive the appropriate vaccines. Since the 2020 school year, national coverage with state-required vaccines among...

Meningococcal B Vaccination: Bexsero Dosing On August 19, 2024, the Food and Drug Administration approved a new dosing schedule for GSK meningococcal B (menB) vaccine, Bexsero.  The 1 month interval between dose 1 and 2 is no longer licensed, and has been replaced by a 6 month interval between...

VFAAR Flu Ordering Opens Tomorrow VFAAR providers can order flu vaccine for the 2024-2025 season starting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 11. Make sure your site is ready! All flu vaccine from the 2023-2024 season must be wasted or returned before you can order flu vaccine for the 2024-2025...

Beyfortus (Nirsevimab) Availability & Inventory Management VFC ordering for the 2024 - 2025 Beyfortus (nirsevimab) season will begin this week.The CDC is releasing VFC Beyfortus (nirsevimab) in waves throughout the 2024-2025 season. Since a limited number of doses will be available in each wave, the Immunization Program will work with...

2024-2025 VFC COVID-19 Product Availability VFC providers can order Moderna and Pfizer 2024-2025 COVID-19 products for all ages beginning on September 9 at 12pm. Make sure that your EHR/EMR is set-up to report this year’s COVID-19 products. These are the vaccines available this year: When placing COVID-19 orders, please...

Bridge Access Program Update Thank you for your continued efforts in ensuring that Philadelphia community members have access to the COVID-19 vaccine. We regret to inform you that the federally funded Bridge Access Program (BAP) has ended before the original closure date of December 31st, 2024....