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Novavax Vaccine Available for Limited Ordering On Tuesday, the CDC endorsed the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) recommendation that the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine be used as an option for adults ages 18 years and older.Some key information: Novavax is the first COVID-19 protein subunit vaccine...

Update Your Vaccine Management Plan Today! Summer means storm season, and to help you be prepared, we've created a new Vaccine Management Plan. It has all the information you need to: Store your vaccine safely. Respond to an emergency. Transport your vaccine during an emergency. Don't wait until...

National Infant Immunization Week April 24 - 30, 2022 National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is a yearly observance highlighting the importance of protecting children two years and younger from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs). This year, in particular, it’s critical to ensure that families stay on track for children’s...

Contact the Immunization Program! The Immunization Program manages several email accounts to support providers and the public with immunization-related queries. Use this guide to determine who to contact based on the nature of your request: PhilaVax@phila.gov: PhilaVax account support and technical issues (patient update requests, vaccine reporting questions,...

Adolescent Immunization Action Week Adolescent Immunization Action Week gears up to get adolescents up to date on immunizations. April 4 to April 8 is the first annual National Adolescent Immunization Action Week. Unity® Consortium launched this initiative to bring attention to the importance of adolescent immunization and...

Recommend HPV Vaccine at Every Visit! During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a decrease in HPV doses administered in the United States. Here in Philadelphia, there was a 29% decrease in the total number of HPV doses administered in 2020 compared to 2019. This decrease affected every...

Storage Unit Reminder Vaccines can only be stored in certain acceptable storage units. Your vaccine storage unit is a key component in maintaining the vaccine cold chain at your practice. Your vaccine storage units must: Consistently maintain storage temperature. Have enough space to properly store vaccines throughout...

Additional VFAAR Flu Vaccine Presentations Available to Order These vaccines are now available to order for your adult patients: Flucelvax prefilled syringes Fluzone multidose vials FluLaval pre-filled syringes are currently not available to order.Please visit our flu ordering page for more information on the available vaccines.To learn who is...

Avoiding Administration Errors: Scheduling Errors Dear Immunization Provider, The Immunization Program thanks you for your critical role of ensuring children in Philadelphia receive up-to-date immunizations prior to the school year! To help you in your immunization efforts we have assembled some tips for avoiding one of the most...