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Full CDC Vaccination Record Cards

Full CDC Vaccination Record Cards

Full CDC Vaccination Record Cards

Vaccination record cards for many recipients of COVID-19 vaccines are now full, especially for those who are over 50 and/or immunocompromised. If a vaccination card is full, the CDC recommends that a second card be completed, and the two cards stapled together. Encourage the patient to photograph both cards in case the two become separated, if possible. Both cards should be presented when vaccination history is required for travel, employment, or any other purpose requiring official, universally recognized documentation. Patients should bring both cards to future vaccination appointments for verification of vaccination history.

When a Vaccination Record Card is Full:
  • Complete a new card for the patient
  • Staple both cards together
  • Encourage the patient to photograph both cards in case they become separated
  • Bring both cards to future vaccination appointments
Providers are supplied with CDC vaccination cards as part of the ancillary kits in a 1:1 dose/card ratio. Many providers are reporting an abundant supply of CDC vaccination cards. Please utilize your current supply of vaccination cards to support distribution of a second card to those that need them. If your site has any concerns about your vaccination card supply, please reach out to PDPH.