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Monkeypox Update: Second Doses

Monkeypox Update: Second Doses

Monkeypox Update: Second Doses

PDPH is recommending that providers who are currently offering monkeypox vaccine to their patients and individuals at highest risk to begin offering second doses of the JYNNEOS vaccine to patients who have received their first dose intradermally. The second dose is recommended 28 days after the first dose.Currently, it is not recommended that patients who received their first dose subcutaneously be recalled for a second dose. Recommendations for when and at what interval subcutaneous doses should be administered will be shared soon.Patients should be reminded protection from monkeypox is not immediate with one dose. Two doses of the JYNNEOS vaccine are required for full protection and maximum immunity is reached 14 days after the second dose. One dose will provide some protection 14 days after vaccinations, but people should still continue to take precautions against monkeypox during this time.More information is available from PDPH at https://bit.ly/PHLMonkeypoxInfo.
Providers will need to enter order requests by 5 pm on Mondays. If your request is approved, you can expect to receive MPX doses Wednesday or Thursday following your request date.

For further questions, email vaccines@phila.gov.