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Urgent Update on COVID-19 Program

Urgent Update on COVID-19 Program

Urgent Update on COVID-19 Program

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s (PDPH) COVID-19 program is expected to end this Tuesday, 9/12 when full commercialization begins.

Any COVID-19 vaccine in your inventory received from PDPH will no longer be authorized for use. All remaining inventory must be reported as wastage and removed from both your PhilaVax and Vaccine Finder inventories. These doses should then be discarded following the guidelines used by your site.

Additionally, if you received a PDPH Digital Data Logger to monitor your COVID vaccine, we will be in contact to schedule a pick-up of this device.

Reporting of COVID Vaccine

With the commercialization of COVID-19 vaccine, please report the administration of these vaccines with your routine immunization data submissions to the Immunization Information System.

Bridge Access Program

As a reminder enrollment for the Bridge Access Program is live! If your patient population includes underinsured and uninsured individuals 19 years of age and older you may apply for pre-enrollment using the link below!

Thank you!

We want to thank all sites for participating in the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Program. Through your hard work and diligent efforts we were able to vaccinate many Philadelphians and bring greater health to our residents.