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ProQuad now available through VFC

ProQuad now available through VFC

ProQuad vaccine now available through the VFC program

ProQuad is now available through the Philadelphia Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. ProQuad is a combination MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) and Varicella vaccine. This combined vaccine lets you administer more vaccines with fewer injections.

About ProQuad

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends ProQuad for a patient’s second dose of MMR and varicella vaccine. As a first dose, ProQuad is associated with a slightly higher risk of febrile seizure, so use separate MMR and varicella vaccines for the first dose unless a parent prefers ProQuad.

Ordering ProQuad

Order ProQuad through PhilaVax at https://vaccines.phila.gov the way you normally order other vaccines. Before you order ProQuad for your VFC-eligible patients, you should also stock enough privately-purchased ProQuad to treat patients who are not eligible for VFC.