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VFC & VFAAR Flu Ordering Will Open 8/28/23 VFC & VFAAR providers can order flu for the 2023-24 season starting Monday, 8/28/23. Make sure your site is ready! Account for any unused 2022-23 VFC/VFAAR flu vaccine still at your site using PhilaVax: Process a return for the unopened...

Back-to-School Immunization Resources The PDPH Immunization Program and the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) want to remind you that now is the time to prepare your patients for back-to-school. Pennsylvania law requires all students (K-12) to be vaccinated while attending school. Students that do not have...

COVID-19 Vaccine Commercialization COVID-19 vaccine will soon be available for purchase on the commercial market and will be available to order through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program. We have created an FAQ and will host town halls to help with this transition. Commercialization of COVID-19 vaccines will transition...

Return Expired Doses of Flu Today! All VFC/VFAAR influenza vaccine supplied by the Philadelphia Immunization Program during the 2022-2023 flu season has expired. Please account for unused VFC/VFAAR flu vaccine at your site using PhilaVax: Process a return for the unopened vials online in the Vaccines Returns module....

Commercialization of COVID-19 Vaccine COVID-19 vaccine will soon be available for purchase on the commercial market and will be available to order through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program. We do not have an exact date or timeline for commercialization, but we want to provide as...

VFC/VFAAR Re-enrollment Begins Today! The Philadelphia Vaccines for Children (VFC)/ Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) annual re-enrollment period is now open!   Sites enrolled in VFC and/or VFAAR must submit a re-enrollment form by June 30th  in order to continue to participate in these programs.Follow these...

Vaccine Temperature Monitoring: New Paper Temperature Logs Available To ensure that the vaccine at your site is viable when administered to patients, consistent temperature monitoring is an important part of participating in the program. Our program requires sites to maintain active and passive monitoring. The passive...

VIS Updates: Hepatitis B and PCV The vaccine information statements (VIS) for hepatitis B and the pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) including Prevnar 13, Vaxneuvance, and Prevnar 20 have been updated. Access the updated documents below: Hep B CDC Immunize.org PCV CDC Immunize.org Please take a few minutes...

VFC/VFAAR Re-enrollment Opens in Two Weeks! The Philadelphia Vaccines for Children (VFC)/ Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) annual re-enrollment period will take place June 1 - 30, 2023. For the fourth year, the enrollment will be done electronically through PhilaVax.To get your site ready for...

Protecting Infants from Vaccine Preventable Diseases National Infant Immunizations Week is April 24 to April 30 this year, serving as a reminder to protect infants in Philadelphia from vaccine preventable diseases.   Over the years, immunization providers in the United States have reached major milestones in protecting...