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Pediatric Immunization Techniques Training  Join us for a pediatric immunization techniques training for Vaccines for Children (VFC) providers!   The Immunization Program is hosting a free pediatric immunization techniques training for VFC providers. Class participants are limited and will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. A...

Protect Children Against Travel-Associated Infections  This blog post was written alongside Dr. Mayssa Abuali, who has served the Philadelphia pediatric community for the past 10 years.  There are several measles outbreaks internationally and 58 measles cases have been reported across 17 jurisdictions the United States in 2024. 93% of...

RSV Season Ends March 31 As the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) season draws to a close on March 31, we want to remind all healthcare providers of important considerations regarding administering nirsevimab (Beyfortus) and RSV immunization.  End of RSV season: The RSV season officially concludes on March...

Recommend HPV Vaccine at Every Visit!  The HPV vaccine is approved for ages 9 years through 45 years for all genders. The American Cancer Society and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend vaccination at age 9.  Early vaccination at age 9-10 years has several benefits, including more...

Beyfortus (Nirsevimab) Supply and Borrowing Update The supply of nirsevimab allocated to the Vaccines For Children (VFC) program has been depleted. Therefore, no doses are available to order for the remainder of the 2023-2024 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) season. As we approach the end of the RSV...

Catch Up Pediatric Patients: MMR Vaccine There is a measles cluster in Philadelphia that started with an infant and spread to unvaccinated individuals. It has resulted in now 7 confirmed cases of measles among Philadelphia residents and an index case in Delaware county.To prevent further spread, review your...

Vaccine Product Available Through VFC: Abrysvo Abrysvo is a maternal RSV vaccine available through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program.  RSV is surging and the pediatric infant immunization Beyfortus supply is severely limited. Abrysvo will play an important role in protecting infants against severe RSV disease this season. Most...

New Immigrant and Refugee Pediatric Vaccination This blog post was written alongside Dr. Mayssa Abuali, who has served the Philadelphia pediatric community for the past 10 years. At the first domestic health visit with new immigrant or refugee pediatric patients, clinicians should review all available vaccine records,...

New Meningococcal Vaccine for Pediatric Patients  This blog post is part of a series highlighting essential changes in the 2024 ACIP immunization schedules. This series is written alongside Immunization Program Medical Specialist, Dr. Mayssa Abuali. Dr. Abuali is board-certified in general pediatrics, pediatric infectious diseases, and pediatric hospital...

Administration Errors: RSV for Infants On November 30, CDC alerted immunization programs that they have received reports of infants being mistakenly administered RSV vaccines intended for adults. Infants should only receive the RSV preventive antibody, nirsevimab (Beyfortus, Sanofi).RSV vaccines (Arexvy by GSK and Abrysvo by Pfizer) are...