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Return Expired Doses of Flu Today! All VFC/VFAAR influenza vaccine supplied by the Philadelphia Immunization Program during the 2022-2023 flu season has expired. Please account for unused VFC/VFAAR flu vaccine at your site using PhilaVax: Process a return for the unopened vials online in the Vaccines Returns module....

Protecting Infants from Vaccine Preventable Diseases National Infant Immunizations Week is April 24 to April 30 this year, serving as a reminder to protect infants in Philadelphia from vaccine preventable diseases.   Over the years, immunization providers in the United States have reached major milestones in protecting...

New Vaccine Products Available Through VFC & VFAAR View more information about Priorix and Vaxneuvance, now available through VFC and VFAAR, below. There have been a number of updates to the available vaccines for the VFC and VFAAR programs. Lists of vaccines currently available through VFC...

Multi-Dose Vials of VFC Flu Vaccine Available to Order Again Multi-dose vials (MDVs) of Fluzone are again available to order for your VFC eligible patients. Please visit our flu ordering page for more information on the available vaccines. Order Flu Vaccine Today Have questions? Contact Christine Wilson at 215.685.6728 or...

Notes From the Immunization Program:Prepare Your Practice to Fight Flu This Winter Less than 30 percent of Philadelphians were vaccinated against flu in 2020. Presently, seasonal flu activity is elevated across the country. Ensure your practice is prepared to fight flu this winter.  Remind patients to get...

Additional VFAAR Flu Vaccine Now Available for Ordering The CDC has allotted additional doses of flu vaccine to the Immunization Program. VFAAR flu is now available for ordering. Due to the limited capacity, orders are limited to 200 doses per site to ensure everyone has access...

Temperature Reporting for Online Vaccine Ordering Temperature logs must be submitted on the same day as any order placed for federal vaccine (VFC, VFAAR, flu, COVID-19, or monkeypox)! Temperature logs are to be uploaded in PhilaVax and emailed to tempcheck@phila.gov. The logs must show that the unit is...

Additional VFC & VFAAR Flu Vaccine Presentations Available to Order These vaccines are now available to order for your patients: VFC Flucelvax prefilled syringes Flumist intranasal VFAAR Flucelvax prefilled syringes Please visit our flu ordering page for more information on the available vaccines. Order flu vaccine today. Have questions? Contact Christine Wilson...

VFC & VFAAR Flu is Now Available to Order! Flu vaccine is now available to order for your VFC and VFAAR eligible patients. Visit our flu page for instructions on how to place your first order and which products are available to order now.Please note, all flu vaccine...

VFAAR Flu Vaccine Available for All Adults for the 2022-2023 Season On October 15, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a special allowance for Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) flu administration. VFAAR flu vaccine can be administered to all adults regardless of...