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Author: Aimee Lin

Make Your Provider Page Public with VaccineFinder!

Make Your Provider Page Public with VaccineFinder!

Dear Immunization Partner,

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) and the CDC are requesting that you make your provider page in VaccineFinder public. VaccineFinder is the portal that you’re using to log your COVID-19 vaccine inventory every 24 hours and can be found here:

Making your provider page public will allow fellow Philadelphians to search for vaccine clinics near them and therefore make it easier for them to be vaccinated. Your public-facing page will not display inventory information (i.e., number of doses on hand). PDPH has created a training video, linked below, to help you complete this process if you need:

Click here to watch the VaccineFinder Training Video

Please include any information regarding registrations for vaccinations, including a phone number or scheduling link, if possible, on your display page so that members of the public can more easily schedule appointments. As distribution and eligibility expands, it is important to promote vaccine opportunities that are currently available. If your site has the capacity to accept walk-ins, please also include this information on your VaccineFinder page as we hope to continue improving accessibility to vaccinations across the city.

We understand that making your VaccineFinder page public, posting your registration information, and allowing walk-in appointments may raise concerns. If you or your site are concerned, feel free to reach out to a contact at PDPH or email and they will connect you with a PDPH staff member to help you address your concerns.

Thank you for all the hard work you are doing to vaccinate Philadelphians!

2020 Enrollment Is Open! Enroll Today!

2020 Enrollment Opens Today!

The Philadelphia Immunization Program’s Vaccines for Child (VFC) & Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) enrollment opens today! Log into PhilaVax and begin your enrollment right now! Annual enrollment is required to receive federally funded vaccines regardless of if it’s your first year or hundredth! Enrollment will be open until February 28th. Don’t wait – enroll today! To help you through enrollment, we’ve created the following materials…

Clinic Information Changes Cheat Sheet

Your sites contact information (ie staff, delivery hours and address) populates to the enrollment form. Get a head start on enrollment by updating your clinic information now. Our Clinic Information Changes cheat sheet breaks these changes down into simple steps. You can download our Clinic Information Changes Cheat Sheet here.

Enrollment Cheat Sheet

You can download our Enrollment Cheat Sheet PDF here. Our enrollment cheat sheet breaks down the enrollment process step by step. It also provides useful tips that will make your 2020 enrollment much easier. The Enrollment Form will be available in PhilaVax starting on Monday, February 3. Review the instructions today so that you know what to expect next week.

Contact us!

Have questions about enrollment? Having difficulties accessing the cheat sheets? Contact our Immunization Education Coordinators! You can email them at or call 215.685.6872 or 215.685.6490. Being enrolled in VFC/VFAAR helps keep vaccines available to all Philadelphians. We strongly encourage you to log into PhilaVax and re​-enroll today! Don’t wait until the 28th!

2020 Enrollment begins February 3rd

2020 Enrollment begins February 3rd

Happy new year! The Philadelphia Immunization Program annual Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) enrollment opens on Monday, February 3rd.

Start the new year off on the right foot. Complete your VFC/VFAAR enrollment on time.

This year’s enrollment period runs from February 3rd to February 28th. During this time all VFC/VFAAR sites must log in and complete the online enrollment. Annual enrollment is required to receive federally funded vaccines regardless of if it’s your first year or hundredth! Don’t wait until the end of February. Login and get started on Monday, Februar

Spring, Measles and Mumps

Medical Director Notes

Dr. Kristen Feemster

Dr. Kristen Feemster is the Medical Director of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s Immunization Program.

Spring, Measles and Mumps

2019 is on track to have the highest number of measles cases since the disease was declared eliminated from the U.S. in the year 2000. Why are we seeing these outbreaks and what can we do to protect our community?

This has been a busy spring for vaccine-preventable diseases! Temple University is experiencing a mumps outbreak among students and reported almost 150 cases as of mid-April. While, across the nation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports more than 600 cases of measles so far this year. While we have not yet had any measles cases in Philadelphia, some of the largest outbreaks are right next door. The MMR vaccine prevents both measles and mumps, and most schools require it for entry. Despite that, 2019 is on track to have the highest number of measles cases since the disease was declared eliminated from the U.S. in the year 2000. Why are we seeing these outbreaks and what can we do to protect our community? 


Between January 2016 and July 2017, there were 150 mumps outbreaks (9,200 cases) across the country. Half of these outbreaks took place on college campuses despite the majority of students being vaccinated. Why? The effectiveness of two doses of MMR vaccine is 88% for mumps, meaning that out of 100 people, 12 may still get sick if exposed. Additionally, it appears that protection against mumps may decrease over time. How easy is it to be exposed to mumps? Mumps spreads through contact with saliva or respiratory droplets from an infected person. In a community like a college campus, where young students live in dormitories and socialize frequently, there are many opportunities for the mumps virus to spread. And, unfortunately, people with mumps can start spreading the virus before they know for sure that they are sick. The virus can be spread up to two days before developing the most common symptom, a swollen, painful jaw. The ability to spread the mumps virus before one knows that they are sick along with close personal contact inherit to dorm style living and college life, and a decreased protection from the MMR vaccine creates the ideal conditions for an outbreak. 


Unlike mumps, measles outbreaks are primarily occurring among unvaccinated individuals. The majority of our current measles cases are in New York City and state where returning travelers brought measles to some Orthodox Jewish communities where vaccination rates are low.  Large outbreaks have also occurred in Oregon where there are high rates of vaccine refusal among parents. The measles virus is so highly contagious, it is easy for it to spread quickly through a community if there are any unprotected people. How well does MMR vaccine work for measles? The effectiveness of 2 doses of MMR is 97% against measles AND immunity is lifelong. If we can maintain 95% or higher MMR vaccination rates we can prevent the spread of measles. 

Vaccine Hesitancy

While there is no explicit content barring vaccination in major religious texts and no evidence of any association between vaccines and autism, some parents still seek exemption on these grounds.

If MMR vaccine has been a part of the routine immunization schedule for decades, why do some communities have low MMR vaccination rates? In every state, MMR is one of the vaccines required for school attendance. And, nationally, MMR rates are greater than 90%. Yet, despite requirements, almost every state allows exemptions based upon personal or religious beliefs. And there are a wide range of reasons some parents refuse vaccination or choose to pursue an exemption. For example, some religious communities refuse vaccines based upon interpretation of religious teachings. And some parents refuse MMR vaccine because of vaccine safety concerns related to autism. While there is no explicit content barring vaccination in major religious texts and no evidence of any association between vaccines and autism, some parents still seek exemption on these grounds. 

Preventing Outbreaks

Simply, the best prevention tool that we have for both is the MMR vaccine.

What can we do to prevent or stop mumps and measles outbreaks? Simply, the best prevention tool that we have for both is the MMR vaccine. Be sure that your patients, whether children or adults, are up to date as per current recommendations. Early identification of cases of mumps and measles is also important. When we suspect cases, we can use appropriate isolation practices to prevent further spread. We can also identify contacts to make sure they are protected. 

For mumps specifically, it is time to implement requirements that all university and college students are up to date on their MMR vaccine and provide documentation of vaccine receipt. It is also important to consider a third MMR booster dose for people who are at risk of being exposed to mumps cases when there is an outbreak. At Temple, this has meant setting up vaccination clinics to provide MMR vaccine to students. 

For measles, we are encouraging providers to remain vigilant and consider measles when seeing patients with fever and a rash, especially if they have traveled domestically or internationally. Talk to your patients and their families about any vaccine-related concerns, especially if they have a history of vaccine refusal. Know about resources to help address specific questions, such as concerns about vaccine safety. And consider partnering with community leaders to communicate the importance of vaccination. 

Healthcare providers should also use our immunization registry, Philavax, to check your patients’ immunization histories and keep patients, especially students, up to date on their MMR. The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program can help you provide vaccines for publicly, under – or uninsured kids up to the age of 19. 

Working together we can keep measles and mumps from spreading any further this spring and keep everyone healthy to enjoy this wonderful weather. 

Spring, Measles and Mumps

Medical Director Notes

Dr. Kristen Feemster

Dr. Kristen Feemster is the Medical Director of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s Immunization Program.

Spring, Measles and Mumps

2019 is on track to have the highest number of measles cases since the disease was declared eliminated from the U.S. in the year 2000. Why are we seeing these outbreaks and what can we do to protect our community?

This has been a busy spring for vaccine-preventable diseases! Temple University is experiencing a mumps outbreak among students and reported almost 150 cases as of mid-April. While, across the nation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports more than 600 cases of measles so far this year. While we have not yet had any measles cases in Philadelphia, some of the largest outbreaks are right next door. The MMR vaccine prevents both measles and mumps, and most schools require it for entry. Despite that, 2019 is on track to have the highest number of measles cases since the disease was declared eliminated from the U.S. in the year 2000. Why are we seeing these outbreaks and what can we do to protect our community? 


Between January 2016 and July 2017, there were 150 mumps outbreaks (9,200 cases) across the country. Half of these outbreaks took place on college campuses despite the majority of students being vaccinated. Why? The effectiveness of two doses of MMR vaccine is 88% for mumps, meaning that out of 100 people, 12 may still get sick if exposed. Additionally, it appears that protection against mumps may decrease over time. How easy is it to be exposed to mumps? Mumps spreads through contact with saliva or respiratory droplets from an infected person. In a community like a college campus, where young students live in dormitories and socialize frequently, there are many opportunities for the mumps virus to spread. And, unfortunately, people with mumps can start spreading the virus before they know for sure that they are sick. The virus can be spread up to two days before developing the most common symptom, a swollen, painful jaw. The ability to spread the mumps virus before one knows that they are sick along with close personal contact inherit to dorm style living and college life, and a decreased protection from the MMR vaccine creates the ideal conditions for an outbreak. 


Unlike mumps, measles outbreaks are primarily occurring among unvaccinated individuals. The majority of our current measles cases are in New York City and state where returning travelers brought measles to some Orthodox Jewish communities where vaccination rates are low.  Large outbreaks have also occurred in Oregon where there are high rates of vaccine refusal among parents. The measles virus is so highly contagious, it is easy for it to spread quickly through a community if there are any unprotected people. How well does MMR vaccine work for measles? The effectiveness of 2 doses of MMR is 97% against measles AND immunity is lifelong. If we can maintain 95% or higher MMR vaccination rates we can prevent the spread of measles. 

Vaccine Hesitancy

While there is no explicit content barring vaccination in major religious texts and no evidence of any association between vaccines and autism, some parents still seek exemption on these grounds.

If MMR vaccine has been a part of the routine immunization schedule for decades, why do some communities have low MMR vaccination rates? In every state, MMR is one of the vaccines required for school attendance. And, nationally, MMR rates are greater than 90%. Yet, despite requirements, almost every state allows exemptions based upon personal or religious beliefs. And there are a wide range of reasons some parents refuse vaccination or choose to pursue an exemption. For example, some religious communities refuse vaccines based upon interpretation of religious teachings. And some parents refuse MMR vaccine because of vaccine safety concerns related to autism. While there is no explicit content barring vaccination in major religious texts and no evidence of any association between vaccines and autism, some parents still seek exemption on these grounds. 

Preventing Outbreaks

Simply, the best prevention tool that we have for both is the MMR vaccine.

What can we do to prevent or stop mumps and measles outbreaks? Simply, the best prevention tool that we have for both is the MMR vaccine. Be sure that your patients, whether children or adults, are up to date as per current recommendations. Early identification of cases of mumps and measles is also important. When we suspect cases, we can use appropriate isolation practices to prevent further spread. We can also identify contacts to make sure they are protected. 

For mumps specifically, it is time to implement requirements that all university and college students are up to date on their MMR vaccine and provide documentation of vaccine receipt. It is also important to consider a third MMR booster dose for people who are at risk of being exposed to mumps cases when there is an outbreak. At Temple, this has meant setting up vaccination clinics to provide MMR vaccine to students. 

For measles, we are encouraging providers to remain vigilant and consider measles when seeing patients with fever and a rash, especially if they have traveled domestically or internationally. Talk to your patients and their families about any vaccine-related concerns, especially if they have a history of vaccine refusal. Know about resources to help address specific questions, such as concerns about vaccine safety. And consider partnering with community leaders to communicate the importance of vaccination. 

Healthcare providers should also use our immunization registry, Philavax, to check your patients’ immunization histories and keep patients, especially students, up to date on their MMR. The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program can help you provide vaccines for publicly, under – or uninsured kids up to the age of 19. 

Working together we can keep measles and mumps from spreading any further this spring and keep everyone healthy to enjoy this wonderful weather. 

Staying Resilient: Controlling Hepatitis A Outbreak

Medical Director Notes

Dr. Kristen Feemster

Dr. Kristen Feemster is the Medical Director of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s Immunization Program.

Staying Resilient: Controlling Hepatitis A Outbreak

City personnel evacuated Kensington’s last homeless encampment during January’s polar vortex. Forty-five people left the Emerald City encampment and were referred for a combination of housing, medical or social services as a part of Mayor Kenney’s Philadelphia Resilience Project.

Launched in October 2018, the Philadelphia Resilience Project aims to bolster affected Philadelphia neighborhoods by uniting partners to address homelessness, drug addiction, violence, metal health challenges, and neighborhood clean-up. While these are all crucial needs, it is also important to remember that persons and communities affected by the opioid crisis are at higher risk for certain infectious diseases. Indeed, Philadelphia has seen increases in Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV and syphilis within neighborhoods most affected by the crisis. Hepatitis A has been particularly concerning.

Now is the time to immunize everyone who should get a Hepatitis A vaccine and the Immunization Program is here to support your efforts

Many states are experiencing outbreaks of Hepatitis A, especially among homeless persons. Hepatitis A spreads when stool from infected persons contaminates food, water or other surfaces. It is much easier for the virus to spread when it is difficult to wash hands or have regular access to a bathroom. Hepatitis A can also be spread through sexual activity or sharing needles. That is one of the reasons why there have been a rising number of outbreaks in communities affected by homelessness and injection drug use. Since March 2017, several states have declared Hepatitis A outbreaks for a total of more than 4,000 cases, the majority of whom have been hospitalized and over fifty have died. Pennsylvania joined the list of affected states in November 2018. Fortunately, there are things we can do to prevent the outbreak from escalating here…vaccinate!

Hepatitis A vaccines were first introduced in the U.S. in 1996. Since then they have been routinely recommended for all infants 12-23 months old and for anyone at increased risk for Hepatitis A exposure. Why vaccinate 12 month olds? When Hepatitis A was more common, it was often spread by young children who would be more likely to have asymptomatic infection and could spread virus without knowing it. This strategy helps reduce the amount of hepatitis A in the community – but it won’t stop all transmission. Only about 70% of infants get the vaccines. And there are many adolescent and adults who didn’t have a chance to get vaccinated as kids. Now is the time to immunize everyone who should get a Hepatitis A vaccine and the Immunization Program is here to support your efforts

  • If you see children and adolescents in your practice, check whether your patients have received Hepatitis A vaccine and catch them up if they haven’t. If you see adults, offer Hepatitis A vaccine to everyone but make sure you give it to your patients with a history of drug use or homelessness. Use our immunization registry, Philavax, to check your patients’ immunization histories.
  • The Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) programs can help you provide vaccines for publicly, under- or uninsured kids and uninsured adults.
  • If any of your patients have signs of acute hepatitis (fever, jaundice, nausea, light colored stools), test for Hepatitis A and report any positive results. We can help make sure that the virus won’t spread to others.
  • Check the Health Information Portal for more information about Hepatitis A and other infections affecting persons who are homeless or use drugs.

In October and November, our team provided 222 Hepatitis A and over 200 influenza vaccines to people living in and around encampments in Kensington through street outreach. We have also collaborated with Prevention Point, Philadelphia’s needle exchange program, to provide vaccines to their clients. While we have been able to target a high risk community, let’s do what we can to increase Hepatitis A vaccination rates across the city.

Through partnership, we can contribute to resilient communities.

Staying Resilient: Controlling Hepatitis A Outbreak

Medical Director Notes

Dr. Kristen Feemster

Dr. Kristen Feemster is the Medical Director of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s Immunization Program.

Staying Resilient: Controlling Hepatitis A Outbreak

City personnel evacuated Kensington’s last homeless encampment during January’s polar vortex. Forty-five people left the Emerald City encampment and were referred for a combination of housing, medical or social services as a part of Mayor Kenney’s Philadelphia Resilience Project.

Launched in October 2018, the Philadelphia Resilience Project aims to bolster affected Philadelphia neighborhoods by uniting partners to address homelessness, drug addiction, violence, metal health challenges, and neighborhood clean-up. While these are all crucial needs, it is also important to remember that persons and communities affected by the opioid crisis are at higher risk for certain infectious diseases. Indeed, Philadelphia has seen increases in Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV and syphilis within neighborhoods most affected by the crisis. Hepatitis A has been particularly concerning.

Now is the time to immunize everyone who should get a Hepatitis A vaccine and the Immunization Program is here to support your efforts

Many states are experiencing outbreaks of Hepatitis A, especially among homeless persons. Hepatitis A spreads when stool from infected persons contaminates food, water or other surfaces. It is much easier for the virus to spread when it is difficult to wash hands or have regular access to a bathroom. Hepatitis A can also be spread through sexual activity or sharing needles. That is one of the reasons why there have been a rising number of outbreaks in communities affected by homelessness and injection drug use. Since March 2017, several states have declared Hepatitis A outbreaks for a total of more than 4,000 cases, the majority of whom have been hospitalized and over fifty have died. Pennsylvania joined the list of affected states in November 2018. Fortunately, there are things we can do to prevent the outbreak from escalating here…vaccinate!

Hepatitis A vaccines were first introduced in the U.S. in 1996. Since then they have been routinely recommended for all infants 12-23 months old and for anyone at increased risk for Hepatitis A exposure. Why vaccinate 12 month olds? When Hepatitis A was more common, it was often spread by young children who would be more likely to have asymptomatic infection and could spread virus without knowing it. This strategy helps reduce the amount of hepatitis A in the community – but it won’t stop all transmission. Only about 70% of infants get the vaccines. And there are many adolescent and adults who didn’t have a chance to get vaccinated as kids. Now is the time to immunize everyone who should get a Hepatitis A vaccine and the Immunization Program is here to support your efforts

  • If you see children and adolescents in your practice, check whether your patients have received Hepatitis A vaccine and catch them up if they haven’t. If you see adults, offer Hepatitis A vaccine to everyone but make sure you give it to your patients with a history of drug use or homelessness. Use our immunization registry, Philavax, to check your patients’ immunization histories.
  • The Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) programs can help you provide vaccines for publicly, under- or uninsured kids and uninsured adults.
  • If any of your patients have signs of acute hepatitis (fever, jaundice, nausea, light colored stools), test for Hepatitis A and report any positive results. We can help make sure that the virus won’t spread to others.
  • Check the Health Information Portal for more information about Hepatitis A and other infections affecting persons who are homeless or use drugs.

In October and November, our team provided 222 Hepatitis A and over 200 influenza vaccines to people living in and around encampments in Kensington through street outreach. We have also collaborated with Prevention Point, Philadelphia’s needle exchange program, to provide vaccines to their clients. While we have been able to target a high risk community, let’s do what we can to increase Hepatitis A vaccination rates across the city.

Through partnership, we can contribute to resilient communities.

HPV vaccine for adults?

Notes from the Medical Director

Dr. Kristen Feemster Dr. Kristen Feemster is the Medical Director of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s Immunization Program.

HPV vaccine for adults?

On October 5, 2018, the Food and Drug Administration expanded the age range for HPV vaccines to include 27-45 years old men and women. The change has gotten a lot of coverage in the media and perhaps you have been getting questions about the expanded age range from patients, family or friends. Why was this change made and what does this change mean for you?

FDA approval does not mean that recommendations have changed. While the FDA has approved the expanded age range, the Advisory Commission on Immunization Practices (ACIP), who makes our recommendations about when and to whom to give approved vaccines, has not yet changed their recommendations about who should get HPV vaccines. So, for now, HPV vaccines recommendations still focus on 9-26 year old males and females.

The committee has been reviewing information about not only how well HPV vaccines work, but also how much of an impact it is likely to have on preventing HPV infections, in this older age group. Adding a new recommendation takes resources to make sure there is enough vaccine supply, raise awareness and get providers ready to stock and recommend a vaccine. The ACIP considers all of this before making changes to the program.

Why wouldn’t HPV vaccines be recommended for adults, especially since HPV is a sexually-transmitted infection? Current recommendations for HPV vaccines target 11-12 years old adolescents for routine vaccination with catch up through age 26. Our current recommendation target younger age groups for several reasons:

  1. The goal of vaccination is to get everyone protected BEFORE exposure: HPV vaccines work by providing immunity before exposure to the HPV types covered by the vaccine. Since HPV is a sexually transmitted infection, that means before onset of sexual activity. The best way to make sure this happens is to get kids vaccinated just as they are entering adolescence, well before likely exposure. HPV is very common- almost all of us are exposed at some point during adolescence and adulthood.
  2. HPV vaccine can be given as a part of the adolescent vaccine platform: This approach also works well because young adolescents are coming in to get other vaccines, Tdap and MCV4, when they are 11 or 12 years old. This an excellent time to make sure adolescents have everything they need to keep them healthy as they enter middle and high school.
  3. We have data that shows how well the vaccines work in this age group: The immune response in younger adolescents is so good, only 2 doses of the HPV vaccine are needed if you start the series before age 15 years, compared to 3 doses for older teens.

Recommendations have not included adults because as we get older, we are more likely to be exposed to HPV. Since the vaccine protects us BEFORE exposure- it won’t help if we have already been infected by the types covered by the vaccine. So, for now, recommendations focus on early protection to get as much impact as possible.

If adults are more likely to already be exposed to HPV, why did the FDA approve the expanded age range? Even though adults are more likely to be already exposed to HPV, adults are not likely to have been exposed to ALL the HPV types covered by the vaccine. That means that there may still be some benefit to vaccination. Let’s say you have a patient who has been exposed to types 6 and 16. Your patient would still be protected against the 7 other types covered by the vaccine.

To make its decision, the FDA considered benefit by reviewing studies that show how well the vaccine works in women and men ages 27-45 years old. These studies looked at two things: the immune response (antibody levels) and vaccine effectiveness (ability to prevent HPV disease) in this age group. These studies showed that there is a good immune response but effectiveness is not quite as high since adults may have already been exposed to HPV before vaccination. No studies showed any safety issues.

Does this mean that I should or shouldn’t vaccinate adults >27 years old? Remember that recommendations from the ACIP still have not changed. Keep emphasizing routine vaccination for 11-12 year olds. This is the best and most cost-effective way to ensure good protection before exposure to any HPV and reduce the overall prevalence of HPV in the community. For this reason, it is difficult to know whether HPV vaccines will be recommended universally for adults aged 27-45 years old. But, there still may be room for individual decision making. While adolescents and young adults are at highest risk of first exposure to HPV once they become sexually active, that does not mean the exposure risk goes away. HPV vaccination for 27-45 year old adults could still provide protection against some HPV types, especially for adults who remain at risk of exposure (i.e. have a new partner). While our HPV vaccination rates have been improving, we are still below Healthy People 2020 goals so there are unvaccinated adults out there.

More to come…