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Storage units, especially freezers, can sometimes build up too much ice. When you need to defrost your VFC/VFAAR storage unit, TempCheck - our storage and handling coordinators - can help. TempCheck will help you safely storage the vaccine while you defrost the unit. Use this guide...

ProQuad vaccine now available through the VFC program ProQuad is now available through the Philadelphia Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. ProQuad is a combination MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) and Varicella vaccine. This combined vaccine lets you administer more vaccines with fewer injections. About ProQuad The CDC’s Advisory...

Good news! PhilaVax is adding a new tool called Clinic Tools. Clinic Tools makes it easier to communicate temperature and clinic information with the VFC/VFAAR programs. Through Clinic Tools, you'll be able to: Keep track of storage units and data loggersUpload temperatures directly to PhilaVax (no more...

Protect adults from shingles with the new Shingrix vaccine Shingrix (recombinant zoster vaccine) is a vaccine to protect healthy adults age 50 and older from shingles. You can now order Shingrix through the Vaccines for Adults At Risk program (VFAAR) for adults 50+ and uninsured. About Shingrix Administer...

The VFC/VFAAR Emergency Vaccine Management Plan has been updated for 2018. This document helps both you and us prepare for an emergency - like if the power goes out or if your refrigerator or freezer stops working. If you haven't already done this, we need you...

Stay up-to-date on flu season developments. Check out FluView, the CDC's weekly report on the flu epidemic in the USA....

Treating pregnant women? Want to increase the use of maternal vaccines among your patients? Check out the CDC's new toolkit for prenatal providers....

Recommendations for the Meningococcal Serogroup B Vaccine The Philadelphia Department of Public Health is issuing recommendations on when healthcare providers should recommend and administer the meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) vaccine to patients. In October 2014 and January 2015, the FDA licensed two MenB vaccines for people...

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health is issuing recommendations on when healthcare providers should recommend and administer the meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) vaccine to patients. In October 2014 and January 2015, the FDA licensed two MenB vaccines for people age 10 to 25 years. Guidelines on...

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health has updated storage and handling guidelines for the Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Vaccines for Adults At Risk (VFAAR) programs. This update includes: New policiesNew formsNew toolsContact us These new guidelines help ensure that the cold chain is preserved and vaccines...