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Make Your Provider Page Public with VaccineFinder! Dear Immunization Partner, The Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) and the CDC are requesting that you make your provider page in VaccineFinder public. VaccineFinder is the portal that you’re using to log your COVID-19 vaccine inventory every 24 hours...

2020 Enrollment Opens Today! The Philadelphia Immunization Program’s Vaccines for Child (VFC) & Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) enrollment opens today! Log into PhilaVax and begin your enrollment right now! Annual enrollment is required to receive federally funded vaccines regardless of if it's your first...

2020 Enrollment begins February 3rd Happy new year! The Philadelphia Immunization Program annual Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) enrollment opens on Monday, February 3rd. Start the new year off on the right foot. Complete your VFC/VFAAR enrollment on time. This year’s enrollment...

2019-2020 Flu Paper Reporting Forms Download our 2019-2020 paper influenza flu reporting form here: Influenza Immunization Reporting Form...

VFC/VFAAR Re-enrollment is right around the corner! The Philadelphia VFC/VFAAR annual re-enrollment period is November 1-30, 2018. Re-enrollment is a requirement for the VFC/VFAAR programs. Failure to complete the re-enrollment form will result in un-enrollment from the program. We’re very excited to announce that for the first...

Storage units, especially freezers, can sometimes build up too much ice. When you need to defrost your VFC/VFAAR storage unit, TempCheck - our storage and handling coordinators - can help. TempCheck will help you safely storage the vaccine while you defrost the unit. Use this guide...

ProQuad vaccine now available through the VFC program ProQuad is now available through the Philadelphia Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. ProQuad is a combination MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) and Varicella vaccine. This combined vaccine lets you administer more vaccines with fewer injections. About ProQuad The CDC’s Advisory...

Good news! PhilaVax is adding a new tool called Clinic Tools. Clinic Tools makes it easier to communicate temperature and clinic information with the VFC/VFAAR programs. Through Clinic Tools, you'll be able to: Keep track of storage units and data loggersUpload temperatures directly to PhilaVax (no more...

Protect adults from shingles with the new Shingrix vaccine Shingrix (recombinant zoster vaccine) is a vaccine to protect healthy adults age 50 and older from shingles. You can now order Shingrix through the Vaccines for Adults At Risk program (VFAAR) for adults 50+ and uninsured. About Shingrix Administer...