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Multi-Dose Vials of VFC Flu Vaccine Available to Order Again Multi-dose vials (MDVs) of Fluzone are again available to order for your VFC eligible patients. Please visit our flu ordering page for more information on the available vaccines. Order Flu Vaccine Today Have questions? Contact Christine Wilson at 215.685.6728 or...

Notes From the Immunization Program:Prepare Your Practice to Fight Flu This Winter Less than 30 percent of Philadelphians were vaccinated against flu in 2020. Presently, seasonal flu activity is elevated across the country. Ensure your practice is prepared to fight flu this winter.  Remind patients to get...

Moderna & Pfizer Shelf-Life Extensions FDA has approved additional Moderna shelf-life extensions. With these extensions, there are now Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech monovalent COVID-19 vaccines that will last into spring 2023. As a matter of best practice, please verify expiry dates using the manufacturers’ online checkers prior to...

Mpox Vaccine: Holiday Delivery Pause Mpox vaccine deliveries will be paused for the holiday from December 26 to 30. Remember to submit an order request by Monday, December 19, at 5pm, for your order to be approved the week of December 19. The last mpox delivery...

Under 5 Pfizer and Under 6 Moderna Bivalent Vaccines Vaccine Ordering: Bivalent Pfizer 6 months – 4 years and bivalent Moderna 6 months – 5 years is now available for ordering in PhilaVax. The minimum ordering quantity for these products is 100 doses. The bivalent 6 month...

Ensure Patients Are Up to Date With Polio Vaccination Vaccine-derived poliovirus has been detected in environmental samples and infected one unvaccinated person in New York this year. In some Philadelphia neighborhoods, polio vaccination rates among children remain low.  Prevent community transmission by ensuring patients are up-to-date with...

Digital Data Logger Download Reminder During the Holiday Season To make sure that your vaccines stay properly monitored over the busy holiday season, please be aware of the date indicator on your digital data loggers (DDLs). To prevent any gaps in temperature monitoring, please download your...

Mpox Vaccination Update: Intradermal or Subcutaneous Regimen Permitted The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the CDC have updated the mpox provider agreement to allow for both an intradermal and subcutaneous route of administration to be used for mpox vaccination. There is reported...

Moderna Shelf-Life Extensions FDA has approved a shelf-life extension for the following Moderna monovalent products. Below, find a table with updated expiration dates for the specific lots impacted by the extension. With the Moderna Vial Expiration Checker, Moderna also allows vaccine providers to look up expiration dates...