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VFC/VFAAR Re-enrollment Opens in Two Weeks!

VFC/VFAAR Re-enrollment Opens in Two Weeks!

VFC/VFAAR Re-enrollment Opens in Two Weeks!

The Philadelphia Vaccines for Children (VFC)/ Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) annual re-enrollment period will take place June 1 – 30, 2023. For the fourth year, the enrollment will be done electronically through PhilaVax.To get your site ready for re-enrollment, complete these steps now.1. Update Clinic ToolsReview the information indicated for your site the Clinic Tools, Clinic Information module. Use these job aids to guide you though making needed updates to the clinic’s:
2. Make sure you have the access to PhilaVax you need.The vaccine coordinators and medical director must log into the PhilaVax IIS to access, complete and sign the electronic re-enrollment form. If you have not completed the 2023 User Confidentiality Agreement to renew your account or do not have a PhilaVax user account, use the link below to complete it now.PhilaVax User Confidentiality Agreement
If you have a PhilaVax account and need to update your password, you can email PhilaVax@phila.gov for assistance.Additional information and instructions will be communicated closer to the start of the re-enrollment period.Re-enrollment is a requirement for the VFC/VFAAR programs. Failure to complete the re-enrollment form will result in un-enrollment.Questions? Email our team at DPHProviderHelp@phila.gov.