26 Sep 2022 VFC and VFAAR Shipping Delays
VFC and VFAAR Shipping Delays
Our vaccine distribution center is currently working through an unanticipated backlog of flu and non-flu VFC and VFAAR orders.DPHProviderHelp@phila.gov to open your order. Use the ordering formula cheat sheet to calculate how much vaccine to order.
To ensure that your site has the vaccines you need during this time, please plan to order additional vaccine before you run out and order an additional 1 -2 weeks of vaccine in your next order, if you have space in your storage units. Continue to order flu vaccine as needed. Order additional non-flu vaccine every 25 days (from last approved order) or when you are down to a 2- 3 week supply of any given vaccine. If it has been less than 25 days since your last order, complete your reconciliation and then email our team at