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VFC and VFAAR Re-Enrollment is Coming

VFC and VFAAR Re-Enrollment is Coming

VFC/VFAAR Re-enrollment is right around the corner!

The Philadelphia VFC/VFAAR annual re-enrollment period is November 1-30, 2018. Re-enrollment is a requirement for the VFC/VFAAR programs. Failure to complete the re-enrollment form will result in un-enrollment from the program.

We’re very excited to announce that for the first time, enrollment will be done electronically through PhilaVax. This will save you time and allow us to process enrollment forms quicker.

To get you ready for re-enrollment, complete these three steps now (if you have done so already).

  1. Complete the Clinic Tools Training

The electronic enrollment form is part of the Clinic Tools module in PhilaVax. You will not be able to access the enrollment form until you complete this training.

If you have not completed the Clinic Tools training, sign up now:  https://vaccines.phila.gov/index.php/notices/register-for-a-required-clinic-tools-training/

If you have completed the Clinic Tools training, check to make sure the contact and staff information for your site is up-to-date. Submit any updates to our program through the module.

  1. Renew your PhilaVax User Confidentiality Agreement

You must log into the PhilaVax IIS to access and complete the electronic form. If you have not completed the 2018 user confidentiality agreement renewal process or do not have a PhilaVax user account, use the link below to complete it now.

  1. Make sure your site’s Medical Director has a PhilaVax Account

Your medical director needs an active PhilaVax account in order to sign the enrollment form. You will not be able to submit the enrollment form without the medical director’s signature.

  Click here to complete a PhilaVax User Confidentiality Agreement: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nQ6Kp4WrlVEsx0Ud1QrxCdYRiYP3Rpd70xE0E0RKKsc

If you have trouble accessing the above link or your PhilaVax account and need to update your password, you can email PhilaVax@phila.gov or call 215-685-6784.


Additional information and instructions will be communicated closer to the start of the re-enrollment period on November 1st.