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Vaccine Updates: Moderna Life Span Approval, Training and Resources & July 4th Deliveries

Vaccine Updates: Moderna Life Span Approval, Training and Resources & July 4th Deliveries

Vaccine Updates: Moderna Life Span Approval, Training and Resources & July 4th Deliveries

ACIP voted unanimously to recommend the Moderna 6-17 COVID vaccine, allowing for Moderna products to be used to vaccinate the full life span. Please see wallchart below for product breakdown: 
  • Moderna 6-11 Years: A two-dose Moderna COVID-19 vaccines series (50ug) is recommended for children ages 6-11 years, under the EUA issued by FDA.
    • Ordering for this product, Dark Blue Cap/Purple Border, will open next week in Philavax on the 29th. Monday.com ordering will open the following week.
  • Moderna 12-17 Years: A two-dose Moderna COVID-19 vaccines series (100ug) is recommended for children ages 12-17 years, under the EUA issued by FDA.

Training and Resources

WEBINAR INVITE: MODERNA PEDIATRIC COVID-19 VACCINE INDICATION (REGISTER)Please join us for one of our upcoming webinars detailing the pediatric and adolescent indications for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Webinars will be held:
  • Tuesday, June 28 at 3 pm ET (2 pm CT / 12 pm PT)
  • Thursday, July 7 at 12 pm ET (11 am CT / 9 am PT)
  • Tuesday, July 12 at 2 pm ET (1 pm CT / 11 am PT)
  • Tuesday, July 19 at 12 pm ET (11 am CT / 9 am PT)
If you’d like to attend more than one webinar, please register for each date separately. The same topics will be covered in all webinars.Pfizer Medical Updates & Immunization Site Training for all Healthcare Providers led by Pfizer Vaccines US Medical Affairs: 
  • Trainings now include presentations on COVID-19 vaccines with a MAROON Cap for individuals 6 months through 4 years of age.
  • For details, see dates and links for upcoming training sessions.
  • Daily trainings (Monday through Friday) will begin Monday, June 20, 2022, and continue at least through July 8, 2022 (with no training on July 4th).
Videos:Intramuscular (IM) Injection: Supplies (Children Birth through 18 Years of Age): This training addresses how to select the equipment needed to prepare an intramuscular (IM) injection for children from birth through 18 years of age. A supply of needles of the appropriate lengths should be available. Aseptic technique must be used to protect supplies from microbial contamination. Safe injection practices minimize risk of injuries, infections, and non-infectious adverse events for both patients and providers. Health care providers are always advised to observe patients for 15 minutes after vaccination.Intramuscular (IM) Injection: Sites: This training helps providers identify intramuscular (IM) injection sites. A needle is used to inject the vaccine into the muscle. The appropriate site for an intramuscular injection for those under 2 years of age is the vastus lateralis muscle. The deltoid muscle over the triceps area of the upper arm is preferred for persons 3 years of age and older. Safe injection practices minimize risk of injuries, infections, and non-infectious adverse events for both patients and providers. Health care providers are always advised to observe patients for 15 minutes after vaccination.

Fourth of July Deliveries

Moderna and J&J/Janssen Vaccines
  • No vaccine deliveries will occur Saturday July 2 through Tuesday, July 5, 2022.
Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccines
  • No vaccine deliveries will occur on Saturday, July 2 through Monday, July 4, 2022.