14 Dec 2023 Vaccine Storage Update and Reminders
Vaccine Storage Update and Reminders
LogTag Update!
LogTag Version 2 will soon be replaced with LogTag Version 3. We will ask all providers to switch to Version 3 in January 2024. Look out for the link to the new software and guidance for updating your system.
Start the new year right by checking your storage and handling procedures! Use the checklist below to make sure your team is properly managing vaccines.
Does your team…
- Send in temperature data every 28 days and immediately if the DDL alarms?
- Send in your temperature data on the same day the order is placed for every order?
- Always both email your temperature data and upload to PhilaVax (for sites with PDPH’s DDLs)?
- Update your paper temperature logs twice a day?
- In the morning with the current temperature, minimum temperature, and maximum temperature
- End of day with the current temperature
- Make sure you are using the most updated Paper Temperature Logs?
- Have a current Vaccine Management Plan attached to your fridge or freezer that has been updated within the last 12 months?
- Have a plan in place and all necessary materials to move vaccine in an emergency (see the Vaccine Management Plan)?
- Replace the DDL’s batteries when low?
- Please check your DDL for a low battery signal (see image below) and reach out to TempCheck@phila.gov if a battery is needed!

Please check out our website and reach out at TempCheck@phila.gov with any questions.
Thank you for being a trusted vaccine provider!