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V-Safe for Monkeypox Vaccine: Survey to Assess Promotion Willingness and Perceived Barriers

V-Safe for Monkeypox Vaccine: Survey to Assess Promotion Willingness and Perceived Barriers

V-Safe for Monkeypox Vaccine: Survey to Assess Promotion Willingness and Perceived Barriers

The Immunization Safety Office at CDC will soon be going live with a monkeypox module in CDC’s v-safe After Vaccination Health Checker. V-safe is a voluntary smartphone-based system that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized and confidential health check-ins. Participants can tell CDC how they, or their child or dependent, feel after they receive a monkeypox vaccine.Based on the success of v-safe for COVID-19, the CDC has found that promoting and encouraging enrollment at the vaccine delivery site is the best way to make vaccine recipients aware of v-safe. Please fill out this short survey to assess willingness and perceived barriers to promotion of v-safe at your practice.