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Fill out both forms, then either email or fax them to us at the contact above.

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Updated COVID-19 Delivery Schedule

Updated COVID-19 Delivery Schedule

Updated COVID-19 Delivery Schedule

With commercialization of COVID-19 nearing, PDPH will be reducing our capacity to deliver partial orders of COVID-19, placed through the Monday.com order form below. In June, we will deliver orders the week of the 12th and the week of the 19th. Any orders placed later in June will not be delivered until July. In July and August, we will deliver partial orders during the 3rd full week of the month. Please see the below ordering schedule for reference.

As we move forward with this new delivery schedule, sites will need to order slightly more vaccine to have enough supply to last them up to a month between orders.

If you have questions regarding COVID-19 deliveries, please email covidproviders@phila.gov.