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Update to the Naloxone Stocking Requirement

Update to the Naloxone Stocking Requirement

Update to the Naloxone Stocking Requirement

To our pharmacy partners:

It has come to our attention that an agency with which we subcontract for educational activities related to the naloxone stocking requirement has been visiting some local pharmacies and behaving in a way that is not consistent with either our contract with them or our values, failing to present ID or a business card, demanding proof that naloxone is carried on site, and threatening fines. I want to apologize to any of you who have experienced these visits. While we do believe that the naloxone stocking requirement is an important component of our local harm reduction response, our intention had been to share information and technical assistance where appropriate, not to browbeat or threaten our pharmacy colleagues. We are pausing this program until we can meet with the vendor and discuss their approach.

In the meantime, if you have questions, either about the naloxone stocking requirement or about this incident, please don’t hesitate to reach out at Andrew.Best@phila.gov.

Thank you,

Dr. Cheryl Bettigole, Health Commissioner
Andrew Best, Director, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Harm ReductionÂ