13 Dec 2022 Under 5 Pfizer and Under 6 Moderna Bivalent Vaccines
Under 5 Pfizer and Under 6 Moderna Bivalent Vaccines
Vaccine Ordering:
Bivalent Pfizer 6 months – 4 years and bivalent Moderna 6 months – 5 years is now available for ordering in PhilaVax. The minimum ordering quantity for these products is 100 doses. The bivalent 6 month – 4 year Pfizer vaccine can be found on the second page.
Bivalent Moderna 6 months – 5 years will be packaged in two dose vials. Please remember to check NDC numbers to ensure that you are ordering the correct product.
Pfizer 6 months – 4 years Bivalent NDC: 59267-0609-02
Moderna 6 months – 5 years Bivalent NDC: 80777-0283-99
Bivalent 6 months – 4 year Pfizer:
- The new bivalent Pfizer 6 months – 4 years product is NOT A BOOSTER, but is the new third dose of the primary series.
- Children 6 months through 4 years who have completed the monovalent Pfizer 3 dose series are currently not authorized to receive a booster dose of any COVID product.
- Children aged 5 years who complete the Pfizer primary series may receive a bivalent Pfizer 5-11 booster dose.
Bivalent 6 months – 5 year Moderna:
- The new bivalent Moderna 6 months through 5 years product is approved as a booster dose for children 6 months through 4 years who have completed the Moderna Monovalent series only.
- Children aged 5 years and older who complete the Moderna primary series may receive one Moderna or Pfizer age appropriate bivalent booster dose.
To view all updates, please visit:
- CDC’s Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines
- Pfizer Bivalent 6 months – 4 years EUA for Parents & Caregivers
- Pfizer Bivalent 6 months – 4 years EUA for Healthcare Providers
- Moderna Bivalent 6 months – 5 years EUA for Parents & Caregivers
- Moderna Bivalent 6 months – 5 years EUA for Healthcare Providers