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RSV Season Ends March 31

RSV Season Ends March 31

RSV Season Ends March 31

As the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) season draws to a close on March 31, we want to remind all healthcare providers of important considerations regarding administering nirsevimab (Beyfortus) and RSV immunization. 

  • End of RSV season: The RSV season officially concludes on March 31. Therefore, it is essential to administer all remaining doses of nirsevimab to eligible children before April 1. 
  • Do not discard unused immunizations: If you possess surplus doses of nirsevimab at the end of this RSV season, do not discard them. The expiration date for Beyfortus has been extended to two years. These doses can be safely stored and utilized when the RSV season resumes on October 1.   

We recognize the challenges encountered during this RSV season and extend our gratitude to all healthcare providers for their patience, flexibility, and perseverance. According to the CDC’s latest data, 43% of newborns received RSV coverage this year despite the limited availability of Beyfortus.

If you have any questions or require further guidance, please contact Victor Obeck, VFC coordinator, at victor.obeck@phila.gov.