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Reminder for Bridge Access Providers

Reminder for Bridge Access Providers

Reminder for Bridge Access Providers

Only adults 18 and over who are uninsured or underinsured are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine under the Bridge Access Program (BAP). 

Screening an individual for eligibility before giving a BAP COVID-19 dose is a requirement outlined in the provider agreement.

  • Uninsured: an individual who does not have health insurance.
  • Underinsured: an individual with health insurance, but the insurance does not cover the total cost of a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Any individual with health insurance that covers the total cost of a COVID-19 vaccine would be ineligible for a BAP dose. Many insurance plans will cover the cost of the COVID-19 vaccine, including Medicaid, Medicare, and some private health insurance plans.  


  • Redistribution of the COVID-19 vaccine is not permitted under the BAP. Unauthorized redistribution of Bridge doses may result in a suspension or termination from the program.
  • If your practice has multiple locations, you will not be able to redistribute doses between the locations. 

Every site interested in being enrolled in the BAP must complete enrollment individually. Complete the Bridge Program Interest Form to begin the enrollment process.

Find the form using the button below: