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Novavax Vaccine Available for Limited Ordering

Novavax Vaccine Available for Limited Ordering

Novavax Vaccine Available for Limited Ordering

On Tuesday, the CDC endorsed the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) recommendation that the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine be used as an option for adults ages 18 years and older.Some key information:
  • Novavax is the first COVID-19 protein subunit vaccine that the CDC has recommended for use in the United States.
  • ACIP’s vote—which follows the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s emergency use authorization—is for the use of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine for adults ages 18 and older as a two-dose primary series.
    • This recommendation is for all adults, including those who are moderately or severely immunocompromised.
    • Individuals who receive Novavax are not eligible for any boosters at this time.
  • Allocations of Novavax will be limited.
    • Participating Federal Retail Pharmacies will be eligible to receive Novavax.
  • Ordering for Novavax will open up on Monday 7/25/22.
    • The minimum order quantity is 100 doses. Partial, Monday.com, ordering is not currently available.  
  • Presently, we are expected to receive only one allocation of Novavax vaccine for our providers to order against. As this initial allocation will be limited and jurisdictions will need to manage first and second doses with it, orders will be prioritized and restricted. Placing an order for Novavax does not guarantee a shipment.
Storage and Handling:
  • Novavax is a two-dose COVID vaccination series, given as a 0.5ml IM injection three weeks apart.
  • It is stable at refrigeration only, currently for up to nine months.
    • Initial shipments are set to expire sometime in February 2023.
    • There will be a website available to search expiration dates by lot number.
    • No expiration information will be printed on the vials
  • Once punctured, the vial needs to be discarded within 6 hours.
To review the EUA/Fact Sheet information for Novavax, please visit the FDA webpage: Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted | FDA