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COVID Vaccine Expiration Dates

COVID Vaccine Expiration Dates

COVID Vaccine Expiration Dates

With expiration dates for some Pfizer lots approaching, we would like to remind providers to be mindful about documenting Beyond Use Dates (BUD) and manufacture expiration dates. Any time you move vaccine from the ultra-low freezer/dry ice shipper to a standard freezer or fridge or from a freezer to a fridge, you should place a BUD label on the vaccine box to keep track of vaccine viability. Both PDPH and the CDC have BUD labels available for printing on label sheets. Check out this link for PDPH BUDs (more label options to come soon): Forms and Resources – Philadelphia Immunization ProgramImportant Tip: A Beyond Use Date can never extend pass a manufacture expiration date. You have to use vaccines by whichever date comes first.Pfizer
  • Novavax lot/expiration date lookup tool
  • Does not have BUD labels presently as vaccine arrives refrigerated – use manufacture expiration date and use expiration tool to check date prior to each use
  • Janssen lot/expiration date lookup tool
    • Many lots approaching expiration
  • Does not have BUD labels presently as vaccine arrives refrigerated – use manufacture expiration date and use expiration tool to check date prior to each use