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COVID Updates: Enrollment & VaccineFinder Inventory

COVID Updates: Enrollment & VaccineFinder Inventory

COVID Updates: Enrollment & VaccineFinder Inventory


Starting March 1, 2023, the COVID program will no longer be enrolling any new providers as we near the end of the public health emergency on May 11, 2023. We apologize for any inconvenience and will reach out again if there are any changes.

VaccineFinder: Report Expired and Depleted Inventory

Reporting your vaccine stock in VaccineFinder is critical to the management of your inventory. This informs the public that you have vaccine available and assures them that the information they see in VaccineFinder represents your available vaccine selections. Help prevent vaccine inventory misinformation in your community by reporting inventory on hand. Zero out inventory in VaccineFinder when you no longer offer it at your site.

Providers who are enrolled in the COVID-19 Vaccination Program are required to report to VaccineFinder on a weekly basis. Please ensure that your inventory is being updated weekly even if no vaccine was administered during that timeframe. Lack of adherence to this requirement can result in your site’s next vaccine order being rejected. If your staff does not have access to the VaccineFinder system or has further questions, please reach out to covidproviders@phila.gov for further assistance.