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New Vaccine Products Available Through VFC

New Vaccine Products Available Through VFC

New Vaccine Products Available Through VFC

On November 4, 2022, FDA licensed a new formulation of Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral (Rotarix, GSK). The new formulation comes as a liquid that does not require mixing or dilution. The new formulation (1.5mL x 10 applicators) will be available for VFC providers to order March 1, 2023. The original formulation (1mL x 10 vials and applicators) will be available until the supply is depleted or expires.To change the formulation that your site orders, complete the Vaccine Change Request Form. Our team will review your request and reply with next steps. We recommend that sites that are part of a system or are affiliated use the same vaccine presentations across sites to ensure continuity of care and help prevent administration errors.

RotarixRotarix, oral (1.5 mL x 10 applicators) will be available March 1, 2023, through the Vaccines Children (VFC) program.
  • UPDATE: The ACIP routine recommendation for Rotarix is a two dose series, given at 2 and 4 months of age. For catch up vaccination: Do not start the series on or after 15 weeks, 0 days. The maximum age for the final dose is 8 months, 0 days. View the 2023 ACIP pediatric/adolescent schedule.
  • CVX code: 119
  • CPT code: 90681
  • NDC number: 58160-0740-21
For more information on the new formulation of Rotarix, review the package insert.Additional resources:

Thank you for keeping Philadelphia safe and healthy. If you have any questions, please email vaccines@phila.gov.