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New Vaccine Product Available Through VFC: Prevnar 20

New Vaccine Product Available Through VFC: Prevnar 20

New Vaccine Product Available Through VFC: Prevnar 20

On June 27, 2023, the CDC approved Prevnar 20 (PCV20) for use in pediatric patients. Beginning September 6, 2023, this Prevnar 20 is available to order for your VFC eligible patients. The Prevnar 13 (PCV13) is no longer available to order through the VFC program.

Sites using Prevnar 13 can now order Prevnar 20. Please make sure Prevnar 20 is added to your EHR before ordering.

Please note, Vaxneuvance and Prevnar 20 are interchangeable. To change the formulation that your site orders, please complete the Change Request Form. Our team will review your request and reply with next steps. We recommend that sites that are part of a system or are affiliated use the same vaccine presentations across sites to ensure continuity of care and help prevent administration errors.

Prevnar 20

PCV20 is now available through the Vaccines Children (VFC) program.

    • CVX code: 216
    • CPT code: 90677
    • NDC number: 00005-2000-10

For more information on Prevnar 20, review the package insert.

Additional resources:

FDA Prevnar 20 page
Immunize.org’s Ask the Experts 

Thank you for keeping Philadelphia safe and healthy. If you have any questions, please email vaccines@phila.gov.