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New Vaccine Product Available for VFC/VFAAR

New Vaccine Product Available for VFC/VFAAR

New Vaccine Product Available for VFC/VFAAR

A one-vial presentation of Menveo (MenACYW-135) is now available through the Philadelphia VFC & VFAAR programs. This presentation does not require reconstitution. The Prescribing Information now describes both presentations of Menveo: the current two-vial presentation and a new one-vial presentation. 

One-vial Presentation (NEW) 

  • NDC: 58160-0827-30 
  • For use in individuals 10 years through 55 years of age. 
  • The one-vial presentation contains Menveo in a single vial with a pink cap 
  • This presentation does not require reconstitution. 
  • Available to order for VFC and VFAAR. 

Two-vial Presentation

  • NDC: 58160-0955-09
  • For use in individuals with special medical conditions 2 months through 9 years of age going forward*
  • The two-vial presentation includes a vial with a gray cap containing the MenCYW-135 liquid conjugate component and a vial with an orange cap containing the MenA lyophilized conjugate component. The contents of the vials must be combined to form Menveo prior to administration. 
  • The two-vial presentation is no longer available through VFAAR. 
  • Providers with existing supply of the Menveo 2-vial presentation on hand may continue to administer the vaccine to indicated VFC-eligible patients aged 2 months – 18 years of age. Do not initiate returns of the Menveo 2-vial presentation until the vaccine expires. The Philadelphia VFC Program will not process returns of unexpired Menveo 2-vial vaccine.

*There is a limited supply of the two-vial presentation available through the VFC program. To ensure that vaccine is available for individuals 2 months of age through 9 years of age, plan to only use the two-vial presentation for individuals 2 months through 9 years of age. Order the one-vial presentation for individuals 10 years through 18 years of age. 


The CPT and CVX code for the new presentation is the same as the old presentation:  

  • CPT: 90734 
  • CVX: 136


Sites using the two-vial presentation of Menveo you can now order the one vial presentation. Please make sure the Menveo, one-vial presentation, is added to your EHR before ordering. If you have any issues ordering, please reach out to our coordinators:

Thank you for keeping Philadelphia safe and healthy. If you have any questions, please email vaccines@phila.gov.

Please note, Menveo and Menquadfi are interchangeable. To change the formulation that your site orders, please complete the Change Request Form. Our team will review your request and reply with next steps. We recommend that sites that are part of a system or are affiliated use the same vaccine presentations across sites to ensure continuity of care and help prevent administration errors.