27 Apr 2023 National Infant Immunization Week
Posted at 16:18h
in VFC
National Infant Immunization Week
April 24 – 30, 2023
National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is a yearly observance highlighting the importance of protecting children two years and younger from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs). This year, in particular, it’s critical to ensure that families stay on track for children’s routine checkups and recommended vaccinations following disruptions from COVID-19.
Research has consistently shown that healthcare professionals are the most trusted and influential source of vaccine information for parents. All staff in healthcare practices, including non-clinical staff, play important roles during NIIW.To highlight childhood immunizations this NIIW:
- Build a culture of immunization in your organization by fostering a culture of immunization.
- Learn simple tips for talking with parents about childhood vaccines.
- Share this parent-friendly vaccine schedule.
- View more resources from CDC.
- View the PDPH Vaccines for Children resources.