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Mpox Vaccine Ordering Reminder

Mpox Vaccine Ordering Reminder

Mpox Vaccine Ordering Reminder

JYNNEOS is now routinely covered by insurance. The Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) has a limited supply of JYNNEOS for uninsured patients. Vaccine obtained from PDPH should be used for patients who are uninsured without another source of coverage (e.g. SPBP for people with HIV).

If you expect to see uninsured individuals, please request mpox vaccine from PDPH. Vaccine provided by PDPH must be used for uninsured individuals and reports should be returned monthly with demographic and insurance type for individuals who receive PDPH-supplied vaccine.

Purchasing Mpox Vaccine

See below for options available for purchasing mpox vaccine. 

Vaccines can be purchased through:

Insurance Reimbursement

  • Medicaid/Medicare – full coverage for all beneficiaries within ACIP recommended populations.  
  • Commercial Insurance:
    • Expect private plans to fully cover within ACIP recommendations.
    • Plans obligated to cover one year following ACIP recommendation. 

Retail Pharmacy Vaccine Access

Appointments are now available at several pharmacy chains (e.g., CVS, RiteAid, Walgreens).