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MPOX Eligibility: Anyone At Risk Can Be Vaccinated

MPOX Eligibility: Anyone At Risk Can Be Vaccinated

MPOX Eligibility: Anyone At Risk Can Be Vaccinated

Monkeypox (mpox) vaccine eligibility has expanded. Anyone who feels they are at risk for acquiring monkeypox is now eligible for vaccination. They do not need to meet any further eligibility criteria. Outreach should continue to those who are most at risk, including gay, bisexual, transgender, other men who have sex with men, or non-binary persons who meet the following criteria:
  • Have had multiple or anonymous sex partners in the past 14 days.
  • Have had any newly diagnosed STI in the past 12 months, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, early syphilis, or HIV.
  • Have recently attended or plan to attend any venue where anonymous sex or sex with multiple partners will occur (e.g. saunas, bathhouse, sex clubs, sex parties).
  • Have met recent partners or plan to meet new partners through social media platforms (such as Grindr, Tinder or Scruff), or at clubs, raves, sex parties, saunas).
In addition, anyone with known close contact (skin-to-skin) with someone with monkeypox in the past 14 days should be vaccinated immediately.
Remember to give your patients a Monkeypox Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) before vaccinating.