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Monkeypox Testing, Treatment, and Vaccine Resources

Monkeypox Testing, Treatment, and Vaccine Resources

Monkeypox Testing, Treatment, and Vaccine Resources

Following PDPH’s information session on Wednesday, August 17, we have included the slides from our presentation and follow up resources on monkeypox testing and treatment.

Information for Healthcare Providers on Obtaining and Using TPOXX (Tecovirimat) for Treatment of Monkeypox

CDC, in partnership with FDA, has made it easier for healthcare providers to provide tecovirimat (TPOXX) treatment to patients with monkeypox under EA-IND. The streamlined process reduces the number of required forms and gives patients the option to see their doctor virtually. View the CDC’s full guidance.
If you are using CDC IRB: CDC IRB serves as the central IRB for review and approval. Facilities may elect to rely on the CDC IRB for centralized review and approval by submitting a request to the CDC’s Human Research Protection Office within 7 calendar days of tecovirimat treatment at your facility. CDC will promptly document an agreement in writing using the CDC IRB Authorization Agreement (Sample Template) [4 MB, 2 pages] which must be signed by both parties.For institutions that use EPIC, here is where the CDC TPOXX intake form (Form A) can be downloaded. When you open the file, you can copy it into an Epic smart phrase, and then just make sure the fields that are being pulled in with the smart phrases match the fields that we have in your version of EPIC. There were a couple of small discrepancies (e.g. our epic uses @DEPTPHN@ instead of @DEPTPHONE@ for the department phone numbers). We also had to make a few “Smart lists” by hand (like where the form had {tecovirimat reason:45613} we had to recreate that based off the CDC form). You can upload the outcome form into Epic and share it with any providers who might use it.