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Monkeypox Inventory Update and Ordering Cadence

Monkeypox Inventory Update and Ordering Cadence

Monkeypox Inventory Update and Ordering Cadence

To facilitate the transition to intradermal (ID) administration of the Jynneos Monkeypox (MPX) vaccine, please:
  • Accept all Monkeypox inventory into your inventory location. Use this guide.
  • Complete an inventory reconciliation titled “SubQ to ID Transition,” so that we have an accurate count of the number of vials you have on hand. Use this guide.
  • Email vaccines@phila.gov when the reconciliation is complete so PDPH staff can update your inventory to reflect the number of ID doses you have on hand.
Beginning Monday 08/22, we are moving to a weekly ordering cadence for the MPX vaccine.Providers will need to enter orders by 5 pm on Mondays. If your request is approved, you can expect to receive MPX doses Wednesday or Thursday following your request date.Please remember for your request to be approved you must:
Additional Resources
If you have questions about accessing MPX vaccine, email vaccines@phila.gov.