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Moderna & Pfizer Shelf-Life Extensions

Moderna & Pfizer Shelf-Life Extensions

Moderna & Pfizer Shelf-Life Extensions

FDA has approved additional Moderna shelf-life extensions. With these extensions, there are now Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech monovalent COVID-19 vaccines that will last into spring 2023. As a matter of best practice, please verify expiry dates using the manufacturers’ online checkers prior to vaccine disposal.
  • Moderna has now received shelf-life extensions of all wave 1 and wave 2 monovalent COVID-19 vaccines (complete list below).
  • Some of the lots below are MOD 10 (ages 12+) and some are MOD 5 (ages 6-11). All Moderna lots that have received shelf-life extensions are for primary series use only.
  • Please use the Moderna Vial Expiration Checker to check expiration dates.

  • Pfizer has received shelf-life extensions of all TRIS products (i.e., all mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, including both monovalent and bivalent vaccines).
  • Expiration is now 18 months from the date of manufacture (stored ULT frozen).
  • Please use the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Expiry tool to check expiration dates.
REMINDERWe continue to encourage you to properly manage and report your inventory: