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Make Your Provider Page Public with VaccineFinder!

Make Your Provider Page Public with VaccineFinder!

Make Your Provider Page Public with VaccineFinder!

Dear Immunization Partner,

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) and the CDC are requesting that you make your provider page in VaccineFinder public. VaccineFinder is the portal that you’re using to log your COVID-19 vaccine inventory every 24 hours and can be found here: https://covid.locating.health/

Making your provider page public will allow fellow Philadelphians to search for vaccine clinics near them and therefore make it easier for them to be vaccinated. Your public-facing page will not display inventory information (i.e., number of doses on hand). PDPH has created a training video, linked below, to help you complete this process if you need:

Click here to watch the VaccineFinder Training Video

Please include any information regarding registrations for vaccinations, including a phone number or scheduling link, if possible, on your display page so that members of the public can more easily schedule appointments. As distribution and eligibility expands, it is important to promote vaccine opportunities that are currently available. If your site has the capacity to accept walk-ins, please also include this information on your VaccineFinder page as we hope to continue improving accessibility to vaccinations across the city.

We understand that making your VaccineFinder page public, posting your registration information, and allowing walk-in appointments may raise concerns. If you or your site are concerned, feel free to reach out to a contact at PDPH or email vaccines@phila.gov and they will connect you with a PDPH staff member to help you address your concerns.

Thank you for all the hard work you are doing to vaccinate Philadelphians!