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It’s Cervical Cancer Prevention Week! 

It’s Cervical Cancer Prevention Week! 

Recommend HPV Vaccine Using the Guidance Below

The HPV vaccine is approved for ages 9 years through 45 years for all genders. The American Cancer Society and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend vaccination starting at age 9.

Early vaccination at ages 9-10 has several benefits, including more robust immune response and increased likelihood of completing the series. 

Steps to Recommend HPV Vaccine to Hesitant Caregivers

Use a Presumptive Announcement Approach:

  • Your child is __ years old.  
  • Today, they are due to receive the HPV vaccine (or Tdap, HPV, and MCV vaccines if they are 11-12 years old).  
  • We will make sure they get all these shots to keep them safe and healthy

If caregiver hesitates:

Connect and Counsel: 

  • What’s your main concern?  
  • Counsel using a research-tested method (ex.”Over 30,000 Americans get cancer from HPV every year. Most could be prevented with the HPV vaccine.”)  

If caregiver declines:

Try Again:   

  • Answer caregiver’s questions and emphasize that the vaccine is safe, effective, and prevents cancer.  
  • Continue to offer patients the HPV vaccine at every visit 

Clinical Guides 

Physician assistants & nurse practitioners: Action Guide 

Nurses & medical assistants: Action Guide 

If you have any questions, reach out to our team at vaccines@phila.gov.