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Immunization Records Review for Childcare Facilities

Immunization Records Review for Childcare Facilities

Immunization Records Review for Childcare Facilities

Hello Childcare Provider:

On an annual basis, the Pennsylvania Department of Health in collaboration with the Philadelphia Department of Public Health conducts an immunization records review of a random sample of childcare facilities from the Department of Human Services list of childcare group settings throughout the Commonwealth. This year, your facility has been chosen.   

The goal of this review is to ensure that all children receive their required immunizations and are protected against vaccine preventable diseases.

During the review, we will examine the immunization records for all children enrolled at your facility and validate their completeness. Per the regulations for childcare facilities, all ACIP recommended vaccines are required for children unless an exemption is on file. This includes an annual flu vaccine.

On the day of the review, we will need access to the Child Health Assessment Form (CD 51) for all children enrolled in your facility who are 2 months through 59 months of age, with a date of birth from 9/2/2017 – 7/1/2022.

The deadline to submit requested information is September 30, 2022.

Please review the attachments below:

HIPAA Letter

Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s correspondence letter 

2022 Recommended Immunization for Children (Birth-6 years old)

Thank you for your commitment to keeping children safe and healthy! If you have any questions, please email tanya.jones@phila.gov.